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Life with (American) English and living as a Ja...

Kenji Rikitake
June 15, 2017

Life with (American) English and living as a Japanese / 1000eng-42nd-jj1bdx

At 1000 Speakers Conference in English 42nd 15-JUN-2017

Kenji Rikitake

June 15, 2017

More Decks by Kenji Rikitake


  1. Life with (American) English and living as a Japanese Kenji

    Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 1
  2. Kenji Rikitake 15-JUN-2017 1000 Speakers in English 42nd HDE, Inc.

    Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan @jj1bdx Copyright ©2017 Kenji Rikitake. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 2
  3. My life in the USA: 1974-1975 I was born and

    raised as an ordinary Japanese with no daily English conversation before I came to the USA on February 1974 I stayed quiet for the first six months A!er that I became a lousy fourth grader like this old photo in San Francisco, CA, USA speaking broken English all the time on May 1975 Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 4
  4. Results of early exposure to English No fear on talking

    to any people (even if I don't understand the language which they speak to me) Being explicit Summary first, reasons next ... completely opposite in behavior to ordinary Japanese Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 5
  5. Disadvantages of early exposure to English I've been feeling that

    I'm still continuously bullied and alienated because of my English and behaving differently from ordinary Japanese For 42 years, >80% of my life ... in short, I'm always feeling sad because I'm different Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 6
  6. Why this happens? 1 Only 1.4% of people in Tokyo/Kansai

    regions claim that they can explain a complicated or complex ma!er in English ~70% of people in Tokyo/Kansai regions do not speak anything but Japanese 1 തใಊੜ׆૯߹ݚڀॴɼʮੜ׆ఆ఺1992-2016ʯ, http://seikatsusoken.jp/teiten/answer/769.html, http://seikatsusoken.jp/teiten/answer/784.html Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 7
  7. Internet visualizes a few good things to me — There

    are many people like me in the world who are struggling and torn between multiple cultural backgrounds — They all have to fight against the hatred, bigotry, microaggression, and discrimination imposed on them — ... and some of them have become my friends :) Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 9
  8. If you meet a person like me: Be nice, please

    Don't get frightened ... and treat the person as you treat your neighbors Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 11
  9. Photo credits — Copyright notice: an Indian stranger I met

    at BART San Bruno station on March 2017 — Life in the USA: my father or mother took the photo at San Francisco Cable Car station (at Powell?), CA, USA, 1975 — Bullied: Aaron Burden, from unsplash.com — Really extraordinary: LoboStudio Hamburg, from unsplash.com — So it's not only me: Phil Coffman, from unsplash.com Kenji Rikitake / 1000eng 42nd 15-JUN-2017 13