publish publish What's important is not so much how fast is your program (but more on this later). It's how fast are you able to go from idea to a paper. Perl helps a lot in all the process, from data massaging to rapid prototyping to logging and statistical processing. You can write code faster in Perl than in any other language. Imagen by quinn.anya in
more! Mastermind! Pseudo ( ) Parallel Eas with POE! All of them duly uploaded to CPAN, Algorithm::MasterMind and Poe::Component::Algorithm::Evolutionary License AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by Michael Keith Photography 3
joes Image from ttp:// Earl-What I saw 2.0 The main problem is speed. You have to do a lot of tweaking to be not incredibly slower than Java, C++ is probably out of reach. So what can we do?