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Towards ruote 2.0 (2009)

Towards ruote 2.0 (2009)

An old deck about ruote, still interesting

John Mettraux

October 09, 2009

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  1. ‣ recap : ruote ‣ is a ruby workflow engine

    ‣ ruby makes it easy to tinker and try ‣ workflows should be easy to tinker and try ‣ with some discipline, you might even end up doing BPM with it
  2. ‣ ruote engine : historically ‣ middleware/backend-ish ‣ not for

    your big front web 2.0 app ‣ cheap workflow engine ‣ 1 engine per business unit
  3. ‣ ruote engine : core requirements ‣ has to run

    multiple processes ‣ with multiple branches ‣ and/or subprocesses ‣ can be stopped / restarted (if running with persistent storage) ‣ can run multiple versions of any process ‣ has to allow in-flight modifications to processes
  4. ‣ ruote 2.0 engine ‣ multi ruby process resilient :(

    ‣ complete rewrite with a cleaner interface
  5. ‣ multi-process ‣ the average user wants to put ruote

    in his rails app ‣ the rails app is in a ‘multi-process’ ruby web server ‣ ruote 0.9 is in trouble...
  6. ‣ multi-process resilience ‣ ruote 2.0 knows it could run

    in a multi-process env ‣ it has defense mechanisms things like ‘tickets’ and ‘locks’ ‣ they have a cost :-( ‣ suggestions ‣ avoid mp envs for ruote (the engine is idle most of the time) ‣ run ruote as a webservice in a 1p env ‣ (ruote in 1p can use “caching” and be faster)
  7. ‣ our favourite env these days ‣ ruote-{kit|http} workflow as

    an http service ‣ ruote-amqp ‣ remote participants as amqp (daemons) http://github.com/kennethkalmer/daemon-kit ‣ load on ruote itself is low
  8. ‣ anyway... ‣ 1 engine that scale for everything ?

    ‣ why not 1 engine per domain / unit ? ‣ why not a separation between tactical and technical engines ? ‣ why not engines that talk to each other ? ‣ scale the business or scale the tools ?
  9. ‣ engine workqueue ‣ where each operation is performed ‣

    only 1 op at a time ‣ by default, uses Thread/Queue ‣ uses EventMachine if present ‣ future work : ‣ fibers ? ‣ it’s an implementation away ‣ anyway, engine is idle most of the time (usually waiting for those slow humans)
  10. ‣ AST is JSON friendly ‣ attributes common to all

    expressions ‣ :if / :unless ‣ :timeout, :on_timeout ‣ :on_cancel / :on_error ‣ :forget ‣ directed commands ‣ break :ref => ‘tag’ ‣ jump :to => ‘tag’ ‣ concurrent_iterator enhancements ‣ subprocesses and apply ‣ ...
  11. ‣ :on_error ‣ much like begin / rescue... ‣ occurs

    when error is triggered ‣ error is thus not logged in error_journal
  12. ‣ :on_cancel ‣ subprocess or participant triggered when expression gets

    cancelled ‣ unlike :on_error trigger happens when cancel is complete
  13. ‣ cursor / jump ‣ can now jump to a

    tag, a participant name or a subprocess name ‣ almost that ‘cursors as state machines’ feeling ‣ works with repeat (loop) as well
  14. ‣ directed commands ‣ cursor/repeat has jump/rewind/break/... commands ‣ until

    now these commands were only meant for the enclosing cursor/ repeat ‣ now with :tag and :ref, more precision is possible ‣ works with the iterator expression as well
  15. ‣ ruote 0.9.x had the ‘eval’ expression ‣ evaluating segments

    of process ‣ ruote 2.0 has ‘apply’ ‣ same mission ‣ and more (yield)
  16. ‣ engine variables ‣ can be read from processes ‣

    cannot be set from processes ‣ are thus on the same foot as participants (which are registered at the engine level)
  17. many thanks to everyone in the community especially to the

    “ruedas y cervezas” participants ;-)