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GCP Tech Talk Meetup 11/14/2016

GCP Tech Talk Meetup 11/14/2016

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform with lots of demos.

Joe Intrakamhang

November 14, 2016

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  1. November 14th, 2016 Joe Intrakamhang Solutions Engineer Lilah Jones Account

    Executive Google Cloud Platform Overview Demo’s galore
  2. Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 3 Goals 1. Innovation

    & Differentiators 2. Developer Friendly 3. Open Framework
  3. Sustainability Carbon Neutral Since 2007 Google datacenters use half the

    overhead energy of typical industry datacenters. Measure Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) Adjust the Thermostat Use Free Cooling Manage Airflow Optimize Power Distribution
  4. Largest private investor in renewables $2B Invested more than $2

    billion >20 In 20+ projects 3.2GW that produce 3.2 gigawatts 600K with the capacity to power more than 600k homes per year Wind Solar Alta Atlantic Wind Connection Balko Panhandle II Peace Garden Rippey Spinning Spur Shepherd’s Flat Brandenburg Clean Power Fund Ivanpah Jasper Mount Signal Recurrent Red Hills Regulus SMUD Solar City (nat’l) Sun Power (nat’l)
  5. For the past 16 years, Google has been building the

    world’s fastest, most powerful cloud infrastructure on the planet.
  6. 100+ points of presence across 33 countries serves our enterprise

    customers and their end-users. Google’s Network Edge
  7. Current regions and number of zones Edge points of presence

    Backbone Committed regions for 2017 and number of zones # # Edge points of presence: https://peering.google.com Regions: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/regions-zones Google Cloud Platform Network 2 3 Singapore 2 S Carolina N Virginia Belgium London Tokyo (2016) Taiwan Mumbai Sydney Oregon Iowa Frankfurt São Paulo Finland 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3
  8. Google backbone We lay our own cables across the ocean

    Google confidential │ Do not distribute
  9. © 2016 Google 17 Cloud Storage Cloud SQL Cloud Datastore

    Big Table Storage Compute Engine (IaaS) App Engine (PaaS) Container Engine (powered by Kubernetes) Compute BigQuery Pub/Sub Dataflow Big Data Dataproc Datalab Translate API Cloud Vision Speech API Machine Learning Cloud ML
  10. Compute Engine App Engine Container Engine Continuum of Compute Virtualized

    hardware Abstracted computing power Manages your container cluster and actively schedules your containers Infrastructure at Google speed Build your scalable app faster
  11. High-performance Virtual Machines Consistently performant, scalable, highly secure & reliable.

    (Really) Pay for what you use We bill in minute-level increments so you don’t pay for unused computing time, and automatically apply sustained use discounts. Fast, Easy Provisioning Quickly deploy large clusters of virtual machines with intuitive tools. Compliance & Security All data written to disk in Compute Engine is encrypted on the fly and then transmitted and stored in encrypted form. Compute Engine Batch Run short duration, heavy compute jobs. The more flexibility in timing and location you give us the better the pricing! $
  12. Declarative management Declare your containers’ requirements, such as the amount

    of CPU/memory to reserve and keepalive policy, in a simple JSON config file. Container Engine will schedule your containers as declared. Better ops Your container cluster is equipped with capabilities, such as logging, container health checking, and autoscaling, to make application management easier. Docker support Container Engine supports the common Docker container format. And with Google Container Registry, Cloud Platform makes it easy to store and access your private Docker images. Managed container cluster Spin up a managed container cluster of virtual machines, ready for deployment. The vm nodes that comprise your cluster are fully managed, ensuring they are healthy and updated with critical patches. Container Engine Cloud flexibility With Red Hat, Microsoft, IBM, Mirantis OpenStack, and VMWare -- and the list keeps growing -- working to integrate Kubernetes into their platforms, you’ll be able to move workloads, or take advantage of multiple cloud providers, more easily.
  13. Powerful built-in services Managed services, such as Task Queues, Memcache

    and the Users API, let you build any application. Deploy at Google scale You can scale up to 7 billion requests per day and automatically scale down when traffic subsides. Focus on your code Let Google worry about database administration, server configuration, sharding & load balancing. Popular languages & frameworks Write applications in some of the most popular programming languages, use existing frameworks and integrate with other familiar technologies. App Engine Familiar development tools Use the tools you know, including Eclipse, IntellIJ, Maven, Git, Jenkins, PyCharm & more. Multiple storage options Choose the storage option you need: a traditional MySQL database using Cloud SQL, a schemaless NoSQL datastore, or object storage using Cloud Storage.
  14. 25 Provision server and infra environments • Install web and

    database servers • Stitch it all together - db connection strings • Duplicate for dev, test, and prod Manage the app • Deploy it • Scale it • Pager duty What would it take to launch this tiny app? This is a 90s style guestbook. All it needs is a rotating GIF.
  15. 26 Build efficiently with tools, services & APIs Integrated developer

    experience • Integrated SDK across Cloud Platform • Compile source into binary containers with one command Easy microservices • Built-in API for building microservices App versioning and A/B testing • Application versioning and traffic splitting for slow rollouts / rollbacks • A/B testing across multiple experiments Common app building blocks • Managed services and APIs for storage, queueing, caching, logging, and auth
  16. Cloud Storage Cloud Datastore Cloud SQL Storage Store and manage

    data using a fully-managed, relational MySQL database Powerful, simple and cost effective object storage service Managed, NoSQL, schemaless database for storing non-relational data
  17. 31 New Google Cloud Storage product line Multi-Regional Regional Nearline

    Coldline Target scenarios Content storage and delivery, business continuity For highest availability of frequently accessed data Store data and run data analytics or compute within a region For data accessed frequently within a region Store infrequently accessed content For data accessed < once a month Archival storage Data accessed < once a year Customer use case examples Streaming videos Serving images Serving web sites Analytics for e-commerce, IoT, etc - using Dataproc, Machine Learning & BigQuery Genomics processing, video transcoding in GCE Serving rarely accessed docs Movie archive
  18. ACID Transactions Cloud Datastore provides ACID transactions using optimistic concurrency

    control. Your application can execute multiple datastore operations in a single transaction in which either all succeed or all fail, ensuring the integrity of your data. Managed Database Cloud Datastore is fully managed. Google automatically handles sharding and replication in order to provide you with a highly available & consistent database. Autoscale with your users Cloud Datastore automatically scales depending on your needs. This allows you to focus on building your application and not on worrying about provisioning & load anticipation. Built-in Redundancy With a single API call, data is automatically replicated across multiple data centers. High availability & durability are built in from the very core. Cloud Datastore Schemaless Access with SQL-like querying No need to worry about data models and migration. Cloud Datastore is a schemaless storage service that allows you to be agile by removing the need to think about the underlying structure of the data. Access your data from anywhere Build solutions that span App Engine and Compute Engine, and rely on Cloud Datastore as the integration point. With the RESTful interface that is exposed by Cloud Datastore, data can easily be accessed by any deployment target.
  19. Control It's easy to manage and access your instances through

    a web Console or a command-line interface. Transfer data to your instance by importing and exporting databases and CSV files. Flexible Charging If you're running a lightly or sporadically used database, you'll save money by only paying for the time you access your data. Easier Migration; No Lock-in Standard connections and tools such as mysqldump, MySQL Wire Protocol, and JDBC make it easier to migrate onto (or off!) Google Cloud Platform, and avoids lock-in. Familiar Infrastructure Build and deploy for the cloud faster because Cloud SQL offers standard MySQL databases, the most popular open source database in the world. Instances available up to 16GB RAM, 100GB storage. Cloud SQL Fully managed No worrying about replication, patch management or database management: we take care of it. Security, Availability, Durability Your data is replicated in many geographic locations as standard, and failover between them is handled automatically. We also manage your backups, making it easy for you to restore when needed, including point-in-time recovery.
  20. What is BigQuery? Externalization of Google Dremel Convenience of SQL

    Petabyte-Scale and Fast Fully Managed, No-Ops Data Warehouse
  21. Fun BigQuery Stats Streaming ingest at peak Largest Data Lake

    on BigQuery Largest query by data size Largest query by rows 10.5 Trillion rows 2.3 Million rows per second 38 Petabytes 2.1 Petabytes
  22. Most importantly, complexity is hidden from end user We only

    paid $20 We just rented 9000 cores from Google for ~45 seconds 1 2 3 BigQuery - explained 4 End users do not need to think about cores
  23. TensorFlow • Deep Learning technology currently powering over 100 Google

    services • Generalizable to vision, sound, text, video and other data • Runs on CPUs or GPUs, desktop, server, or mobile computing platforms. • Distributed via Apache 2.0 OSS license
  24. What Cloud Machine Learning Can Do • Fully managed service

    • Train using a custom TensorFlow graph • Batch and online predictions at scale • Integrated Datalab experience • Regression and classification tasks • Runs on Google Brain using GPU & TPU
  25. Fully trained, easy to use Machine Learning models Cloud Translate

    Cloud Vision Cloud Speech Cloud Natural Language Stay tuned…
  26. Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 48 Identify Entities Entities

    with salience Cloud Natural Language API - Call API from anywhere, with support for embedded Text, and Google Cloud storage - Support for English, Spanish and Japanese Understand Sentiment Sentiment Analysis Text Syntax Analysis Identify POS with dependency trees