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Migration to Quarkus from Spring Boot PetClinic...

Migration to Quarkus from Spring Boot PetClinic REST

In this presentation I will introduce Quarkus and also show which were the steps followed to migrate Spring PetClinic REST application to Quarkus using the standard libraries : resteasy, microprofile metrics, hibernate, openapi, .... GraalVM

Jonathan Vila

October 01, 2020

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  1. Contents 1. who am i 2. what can you expect

    3. what is quarkus 4. why migrate 5. migration a. application description b. steps 6. performance comparative 7. references
  2. $ whoami JUG organiser at BarcelonaJUG Cofounder of JBCNConf (

    Barcelona ) Software Engineer at Red Hat App. Modernisation and Migration team @vilojona jvilalop@redhat.com aytartana.wordpress.com github.com/jonathanvila
  3. What can you expect ? My experience v 2.2.5 v

    1.7.0 opinionated option magistral lecture something that works THE way QUARKUS
  4. What is Quarkus ? A Kubernetes Native, Java, Scala, Kotlin

    stack tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards.
  5. 300x faster 10x smaller focused on easy to code opensource

    fast paced releases tons of extensions Quarkus key facts
  6. Quarkus extensions ( > 90 ) Kafka Camel Keycloak Spring

    Vert.x RestEasy …. Microprofile Openshift Jaegger Flyway Hibernate Infinispan ...
  7. Quarkus evolution 2018-12 v 0.0.1 2019-06 v 0.15.0 2019-11 v

    1.0.0 Release 2020-01 v 1.2.0 1 minor version every 2 weeks !!! (+/-)
  8. Why to migrate My experience easy to develop with an

    easy CDI, REST, … long startup times, eternal tests heavyweight too many things happen under the hood easy to develop applications fast lightweight GraalVM compatible QUARKUS ✅ FaaS compatible ( lambdas ) ✅ less money on public cloud
  9. Application migrated Spring Data ( repositories, jdbc , ... )

    Spring Web ( REST ) Spring Security Spring documentation ( Swagger ) Spring actuators Spring micrometer Spring CDI Spring AOP Spring cache Hibernate Panache JaxRS Quarkus Security OpenAPI SmallRye Health Microprofile Metrics CDI Spec ( Arc ) --- Quarkus cache ( Caffeine ) QUARKUS
  10. Elements not migrated Spring JDBC querying * no helper methods

    to work with Inserts, Updates…. * no equivalent to org.springframework.jdbc.core classes * we need to reimplement everything using AGROAL JMX * not supported by GraalVM definition
  11. CDI • Replace Autowired by Inject • Beans declaration using

    @ApplicationScoped • Auto injection on Constructors • Lazy by default
  12. CDI PROs • straight forward migration for Beans • no

    feature missing CONs • no annotation built-in beans injection depending on Profile • no private members on injection
  13. JPA Repositories • Repository classes to implement PanacheRepositoryBase<T, Integer> Quarkus

    will generate the implementation of the usual methods : list , find, persist, delete
  14. Spring REST to JAX-RS • Move from Spring REST to

    the standard JAX-RS @RestController @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping @PathVariable @Path @GET, @POST, @PUT @DELETE @PathParam QUARKUS
  15. Spring REST to JAX-RS PROs • straightforward migration INFO •

    Spring also supports JAX-RS as 3rd party lib
  16. Spring REST JDBC Security to Elytron JDBC realm Add extension

    dependency : elytron-security-jdbc Configure on properties file and remove configureGlobal method
  17. Spring REST Security to Quarkus security PROs • Almost the

    same result • By configuration rather than code CONs • Quarkus doesn’t have an expression language
  18. CORS PROs • easy to enable , no code involved

    CONs • at global level, not per Controller
  19. Metrics PROs • OpenMetrics standard naming CONs • different naming

    than micrometer ( compatibility toggle being developed ) • not the same metrics • no AOP so you need to annotate every method
  20. Validation • Spring Validation to Hibernate Validator • Move from

    @ControllerAdvice to JAX-RS ExceptionMapper
  21. Swagger ( OpenAPI v 3.0 ) PROs • straightforward migration

    • standard and easy way to configure • Swagger-UI OOTB CONs • not REST paths scan configuration
  22. AOP for app metrics PROs • standard • easy to

    customise CONs • need to annotate ALL methods one by one for custom app metrics • no expression language to define methods affected
  23. Local caching • Spring uses a default ConcurrentHashMap • Caffeine

    uses a ConcurrentLinkedHashMap • Add “cache” extension ( Caffeine ) and annotate the method
  24. Local Caching PROs • easy to implement and configure •

    straightforward migration CONs • none
  25. Test REST PROs • RESTassured is easy to handle and

    very intuitive CONs • No way to simulate Roles without creating an user for each role to test INFO • Changed JSonPath to GPath
  26. Test - resources • Annotate test suites with @QuarkusTest to

    boot the app • Annotate test suites with @QuarkusTestResource to load an embedded resource
  27. Spring WEB ( REST) : spring-web extension Using same Spring

    API for REST Supported Annotations @RestController @RequestMapping @GetMapping @PostMapping @PutMapping @DeleteMapping @PatchMapping @RequestParam @RequestHeader @MatrixVariable @PathVariable @CookieValue @RequestBody @ResponseStatus @ExceptionHandler
  28. Spring DI : spring-di extension Using same API as Spring

    DI Annotations Supported @Autowired @Repository @Qualifier @Scope @Value @Component * doesn’t support an expression language @Configuration @Service @Bean
  29. Spring Data : spring-data-jpa Using same API for Spring Data

    Supported Any interface of : Repository, CrudRepository, PagingAndSortingRepository, JpaRepository Derived Query Methods User defined Queries Not Supported Invocations to any method of QueryByExampleExecutor QueryDSL
  30. Spring Security: spring-security extension Using same API as Spring Security

    Annotations Supported @Secured @Preauthorized Expressions allowed hasAnyRole permitAll denyAll isAnonymous isAuthenticated #paramName ==
  31. Performance comparative (shallow) SPRING BOOT 2.2.5 QUARKUS Hotspot 1.8 QUARKUS

    GraalVM 20.1 build ( uber-jar ) 4.3 s 48 Mb 13 s 42 Mb 185 s 97 Mb boot 6.8 s 630 Mb 2.6 s ( 3x ) 251 Mb ( 2.5x ) 0.462 s ( 15x ) 21 Mb ( 30x )
  32. Repositories • Spring REST PetClinic https://github.com/spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-rest • Quarkus REST PetClinic

    https://github.com/jonathanvila/spring-petclinic-rest/tree/quarkus Documentation/News/Help • https://quarkus.io • @QuarkusIO • https://developers.redhat.com/search/?t=quarkus • quarkus-dev@googlegroups.com
  33. Interactive Tutorials ( Katacoda ) • https://developers.redhat.com/courses/quarkus/ List of Tutorials

    • Getting Started • For Spring Devs • Streaming with Kafka • Hibernate and Panache • Prometeus & Grafana
  34. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  35. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  36. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  37. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. ◦ Plugin for Eclipse (Che), VSCode Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  38. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  39. • Rules to help to migrate from SB to Quarkus

    ( MTA 5.0 ) ◦ Opensource tool to help on applications migrations ▪ https://developers.redhat.com/products/mta/overview ▪ https://github.com/windup ◦ 26 rules , covering ▪ DI ▪ Integration ▪ Metrics ▪ JPA ▪ Security ▪ Web ▪ Shell ▪ …. ◦ Plugin for Eclipse (Che), VSCode Red Hat MTA (Migration Toolkit for Applications)
  40. Real use cases Lufthansa Technik AVIATAR experiences significant cloud resources

    savings by moving to Kubernetes-native Quarkus (link) Suomen Asiakastieto Oy chooses Quarkus for their microservices development (link) Vodafone Greece replaces Spring Boot with Quarkus (link) • “Quarkus offers by default (without trying to optimize it) is 50%-60% more lightweight (in JVM mode) that what Spring offers” • “30 to 40% better developer productivity vis-a-vis Spring Boot,” Public Clouds exp. -- Internal Labs --- Save up to : • 37 % on Cloud ( Quarkus JVM ) • 71 % on Cloud ( Quarkus + GraalVM )