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I Forgot the Milk : How to Be and Stay Organize...

I Forgot the Milk : How to Be and Stay Organized in a Fast Moving Software Project

It is important for your sanity and your team’s morale to stay organized during a software development project. This is important so that communication does not break down and the customer receives the software they paid for. In this presentation, we will see what techniques and tools we can use to make this happen throughout all stages of a software project.

Jamie Wright

March 17, 2012

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  1. I FoRgOt tHe MiLk: HoW tO bE aNd sTaY oRgAnIzEd

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  3. ReSpOnD tO cHaNgE ThIs iS pOsSiBlE wHeN YoU CaN PuT

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  4. PrOcEsS WeEkLy iTeRaTiOnS 1. CrEaTe UsEr StOrIeS 2. DeFiNe PrIoRiTiEs

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  5. PrOcEsS WeEkLy iTeRaTiOnS 1. CrEaTe UsEr StOrIeS 2. DeFiNe PrIoRiTiEs

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  6. PrOcEsS WeEkLy iTeRaTiOnS 1. CrEaTe UsEr StOrIeS 2. DeFiNe PrIoRiTiEs

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  9. WhAt aRe tHe c 3ThInGs I aM gOiNg tO dO

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