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Blockchain A superglorified linkedlist

Blockchain A superglorified linkedlist

Blockchain is the buzz word these days and every one is trying to solve a real world problem .
Everyday you see a new Use-case has formed for blockchain .
In this deck I have shared a project of mine that developed while learning blockchain from different sources.
A decentralised Voting Application

Kapil chaudhary

December 21, 2018

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  1. Abstract  This is peer-to-peer decentralized application for voting to

    candidates who stood to contest elections as this is developed over blockchain and forms an immutable ledger so hard to be hacked. Since there are many news around about Voting Machines and other type of Voting system to be disrupted by running governments. So a Solution to this is A voting system developed over EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine), which is standalone and no can access it’s core. So to corrupt the votes one needs to have more than 50% of power of total network around the world which is not possible entirely.  Now Blockchain uses DAG(Directed-Acyclic-Graph) which increases it’s complexity at every new node added to blockchain, it means at every vote voted against a candidate increases the complexity and hard to be corrupted by any hacker.
  2. Let’s Start with the project  Testrpc : It is

    a dependency that help to simulate the blockchain and connect with web3js  Steps 1. Install Visual Studio Community Edition 2. Install Windows Sdk for Windows 3. Install Python 2.7 4. Install openSSL 5. Install node and execute command npm install ethereumjs-testrpc web3
  3. Web3js and Ganache  Instead of developing the application against

    the live Blockchian, I will use an in-memory blockchain called ganache  Ganache is a blockchain simulator
  4. Blockchain  There is lot more in blockchain and it

    is never ending because everyday a new use case arise and it can be implemented in blockchain Thank you