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Extinction and Dust Physics: Observation Focused

Karl Gordon
April 27, 2020

Extinction and Dust Physics: Observation Focused

Review of dust extinction from the ultraviolet to mid-infrared focusing on observations and what they tell us about the dust grains present in the interstellar medium. Presented at a weekly ISM*@ST group meeting.

Karl Gordon

April 27, 2020

More Decks by Karl Gordon

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  1. Dust Extinction & Physics Observation Focused Karl D. Gordon Astronomer

    STScI, Baltimore, MD ISM*@ST Group Meeting 27 Apr 2020 kgordon@stsci.edu @karllark2000 karllark@github Image: Messenger, Scott & Sandford, S. & Brownlee, D.. (2006). The Population of Starting Materials Available for Solar System Construction
  2. Outline • Continuum • Features – 2175 A / FUV

    Rise – Optical features – NIR features? – 3.4 HAC feature – 10 & 20 micron silicate features – Not considering DIBs, Ices
  3. 2175 A FUV Rise 3.4 μm NIR Features? Sil 10

    μm Sil 10 μm MIR Optical Features
  4. Optical/NIR Extinction - Graphite Cayrel & Schatzman (1954, AnAp, 17,

    555) Hoyle & Wickramasinghe (1962, MNRAS, 124, 417)
  5. 2175 A “Pure” Absorption Feature Reflection Nebula IC 435 Calzetti,

    Bohlin, Gordon et al. (1995, 446, L97) albedo = Q sca /Q ext
  6. Optical Features (origin unknown) Massa, Fitzpatrick, Gordon, et al. 2020,

    ApJ, 891, 67 Centers: 4370, 4870, & 6300 A Widths: ~10% Two blue correlate w/ 2175 A
  7. Dorschner et al. 1995, A&A, 300, 503 Gordon et al.

    2000, ApJ, 544, 859 Olivine Silicates Fe Feature at ~1.5 micron? Emission spectrum from reflection nebula NGC 7023 NW filament
  8. Relatively strong extinction at a range of wavelengths Extinction curves

    single parameter family (mostly) Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis 1989, ApJ, 345, 245 Fitzpatrick, Massa, Gordon, et al. 2019, ApJ, 886, 108
  9. 2175 A FUV Rise 3.4 μm NIR Features? Sil 10

    μm Sil 10 μm MIR Optical Features
  10. Dust Grain Modeling Gordon & Misselt (202x, in prep) Adding

    in dust scattering constraints possible (and lots of personal learning)