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The origin of Kanban

The origin of Kanban

organize terminologies related in Kanban

Yasunobu Kawaguchi

August 08, 2013

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  1. Kanban? Signboard ೔ຊͷ֗಄Ͱ Α͘ΈΔ؃൘ɻ ӳޠͩͱɺ ͱ͍͏ Β͍͠ “Kanban” : Most

    Japanese may imagine signboards first. ؃൘ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  2. Kanban? ΞδϟΠϧͷจ຺Ͱ Α͘ΈΔΧϯόϯ Kanban boards : We can see in

    Agile context. http:/ /www.infoq.com/articles/agile-kanban-boards http:/ /blog.crisp.se/2009/11/16/henrikkniberg/1258359420000 Kanban board ͱ͍͏ Β͍͠ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  3. Kanban? εΫϥϜͷλεΫϘʔ υͷ͜ͱΛ͔Μ͹Μͱ ͍͏ਓ΋͍Δ Task boards : We can see

    in Scrum team. Task board http:/ /www.infoq.com/jp/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches ͱݺ͹Ε͍ͯΔ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  4. “Kan ban” = Signboards ؃൘ ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ Kanban system ݟ͑ΔԽ visualization

    λεΫϘʔυ Taskboards ,BOCBOϘʔυ Kanban boards in Scrum in Kanban in Toyota Today’s Topic ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  5. “Kan ban” = Signboards ؃൘ ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ Kanban system ݟ͑ΔԽ visualization

    λεΫϘʔυ Taskboards ,BOCBOϘʔυ Kanban boards in Scrum in Kanban in Toyota Today’s Topic ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  6. Factory A Factory B If Factory A does not have

    enough inventory, they can not ship their product on time. ΋͠޻৔"͕ࡏݿΛ͍࣋ͬͯͳ͚Ε͹ɺ ඞཁͳλΠϛϯάͰग़ՙ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ͳ͍ɻ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  7. ͔͠΋ɺधཁ͸มಈ͢Δɻ ΤϯυϢʔβʔ͕ΫϧϚΛߪೖ͢Δ͔ɺ ͲͷΫϧϚΛબͿ͔͸Θ͔Βͳ͍ɻ And also demands are changing. Anyone can

    not predict whether end-users buy or not, and which type of cars do they choose. ?? 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  8. Factory A Factory B Inventory < N ͔Μ͹ΜํࣜͰ͸ɺ ֤۠ؒͷࡏݿͷ਺Λ/ݸʹ੍ݶ͢Δ In

    Kanban system, the number of inventory on each zone are limited to N. 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  9. Factory A Factory B Inventory < N /ݸͷࡏݿΛൃ஫ථͷ਺Ͱද͢ɻ ޻৔"͸ฦૹ͞Ε͖ͯͨൃ஫ථͷ෼͚ͩೲೖ͢Δɻ ͜ͷൃ஫ථΛ͔Μ͹Μͱ͍͏ɻ

    Order sheets represents N:the number of inventory. Factory A can ship on the number of order sheets. These sheets called Kanban. 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  10. ׬੒ंҰ୆ͷग़ՙλΠϛϯά ִؒ Λ ʮλΫτλΠϜʯͱ͍͏ɻ Քಇ࣌ؒ×ඞཁੜ࢈਺ྔ Takt Time : Time interval

    for build one product. Available production time ÷ Customer demand 6 6 2 2 2 4 Takt Time 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  11. λΫτλΠϜ χʔζ ʹରͯ͠ ֤Ϣχοτͷੜ࢈ϐονΛ ʮαΠΫϧλΠϜʯͱ͍͏ɻ Takt Time is based on

    estimated market needs. Cycle Time is actual production interval of each unit. 6 6 2 2 2 4 Cycle Time Takt Time 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  12. Kanban system Kanban system is a coordination system based on

    estimated market needs. ✓Number of order sheets (Kanban) = limitation of inventory size ✓Takt Time : interval of each product shipment ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ͸ɺϚʔέοτͷधཁ ༧ଌ ʹ جͮ͘੡଄޻ఔͷௐ੔γεςϜɻ͔Μ͹ΜͱλΫτλΠ ϜͰϓϩηεશମΛௐ੔͢Δɻ 㾎ൃ஫ථ ͔Μ͹Μ ͷ਺͸֤աఔͷࡏݿͷ্ݶ஋ɻ 㾎λΫτλΠϜ͸׬੒඼Ұ୆ͷग़ՙִؒɻ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  13. “Kan ban” = Signboards ؃൘ ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ Kanban system ݟ͑ΔԽ visualization

    λεΫϘʔυ Taskboards ,BOCBOϘʔυ Kanban boards in Scrum in Kanban in Toyota Today’s Topic ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  14. Mary Poppendieck Tom Poppendieck http:/ /www.poppendieck.com/people.htm Lean Software Development Kanban

    David J. Anderson http:/ /www.agilemanagement.net/ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  15. ιϑτ΢ΣΞ։ൃʹ͓͍ͯ͸ɺ ։ൃͷ֤ஈ֊ͷϑϩʔΛॻ͖ग़͢ɻ ϦϦʔεͯ͠ར༻ऀʹ࢖ͬͯ΋Β͍ɺ ऩӹΛಘΔ·Ͱ͸ࡏݿͰ͋Δɻ In software development, draw each step

    of activities for building software. Until users’ paying after release/ shipment, these are all inventory. Value Stream Mapping 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  16. Kanban board Plan Design Coding Testing Deploy Map the value

    stream to Kanban board όϦϡʔετϦʔϜΛΧϯόϯʹϚοϓ͢Δ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  17. “Kan ban” = Signboards ؃൘ ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ Kanban system ݟ͑ΔԽ visualization

    λεΫϘʔυ Taskboards ,BOCBOϘʔυ Kanban boards in Scrum in Kanban in Toyota Today’s Topic ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔

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  19. Sprint & Velocity ToDo In Progress In Review Done Backlog

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  20. “Kan ban” = Signboards ؃൘ ͔Μ͹Μํࣜ Kanban system ݟ͑ΔԽ visualization

    λεΫϘʔυ Taskboards ,BOCBOϘʔυ Kanban boards in Scrum in Kanban in Toyota Today’s Topic ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
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  22. Toyota Production System Lean Lean Software Development Kanban Lean Startup

    Agile Scrum XP The New New Product Development Game Four steps to the epiphany Agile and Lean Startup Patterns Manufacturing Industry in Japan Production System ੜ࢈γεςϜ Product Development ੡඼։ൃ 13೥8݄8೔໦༵೔
  23. Production System Product Development ੜ࢈γεςϜ ੡඼։ൃ /FWFSCVJME TBNFUIJOHJOUIF GVUVSF /FFEUPQVUBMMPG