A short introduction on how to create a full project from Mobile App Development, to a Server application and Embedded code with the RaspberryPi and Swift
computer and share the internet via Ethernet cable. RPiΨπЀϡϲЄό婲͚ͽ̵EthernetξЄϣϸΨͺ ͡ͼαЀόЄϚϐϕوํͽͣΡΞ͜͵̶ → The RaspberryPi is constrained to Swift 3.1.1 because there is no ARMv7 support for Swift 4 Swift 4΄ARMv7ςϪЄϕ͚͢͵Η̵RaspberryPi΅ Swift 3.1.1ګᴴͫͼ͚Ρ