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The biology of building trust

The biology of building trust

Kelly explains how understanding the biology of trust can help excel not only your sales and SEO performance, but also mend fractious relationships at work. Trust is not only a central building block of EEAT, but is vital for building potentially long lasting relationships - both with customers and with colleagues. She'll delve into research studies and learnings from leading authorities on trust to help you re-wire your thoughts on what trust truly means forever.

Kelly Johnstone

August 31, 2023


  1. What you'll learn How to build your conversational intelligence to

    be awesome at everything* * maybe not everything, but you will feel more awesome
  2. Fight, flight, freeze or appease responses. Meet: Cortisol, adrenaline and

    dopamine (again). Distrust is found in ‘the primitive brain’
  3. Source: Dimoka A. Brain mapping of psychological processes with psychometric

    scales: an fMRI method for social neuroscience. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan;54 Suppl 1:S263-71. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.007. Epub 2010 May 16. PMID: 20472077.
  4. 2,000 citations on Google Scholar and reproduced by other studies

    Source: Williams LE, Bargh JA. Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth. Science. 2008 Oct 24;322(5901):606- 7. doi: 10.1126/science.1162548. PMID: 18948544; PMCID: PMC2737341.
  5. It’s a pretty cool story! How do you feel about

    it now? Published in Science Scientists Cited by over 2k others
  6. You moved to distrust without me lying. This is what

    people do when they compare products.
  7. What information do we take in when communicating? 7% words

    38% tone of voice 55% non-verbal communication
  8. Don’t let having pre-existing medical conditions stop you from seeing

    the world with confidence. Get a quick quote for travel insurance with medical conditions and know we’ll be there if something goes wrong. Trust worthy copy in action…
  9. Don’t let having pre-existing medical conditions stop you from seeing

    the world with confidence. Get a quick quote for travel insurance with medical conditions and know we’ll be there if something goes wrong. Why it works... My pain points are understood.
  10. Don’t let having pre-existing medical conditions stop you from seeing

    the world with confidence. Get a quick quote for travel insurance with medical conditions and know we’ll be there if something goes wrong. Why it works... It talks about benefits to me, not features.
  11. Don’t let having pre-existing medical conditions stop you from seeing

    the world with confidence. Get a quick quote for travel insurance with medical conditions and know we’ll be there if something goes wrong. Why it works... It talks TO me Not AT me.