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Have you ever developed something with JavaScript? Did you like it? Did you miss Kotlin's features? Since the release of Kotlin 1.1, you don’t have to anymore! Kotlin now is also able to compile to pure JavaScript and run without a JVM.

by Jossi Wolf
presented on February 21, 2018 @car2go

Kotlin User Group Hamburg

February 21, 2018

More Decks by Kotlin User Group Hamburg

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  2. STATICALLY TYPED DYNAMICALLY TYPED var hello = "Hello" hello =

    5 ❌ let hello = "Hello" hello = 5 ✅ @jossiwolf
  3. buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.10' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies

    { classpath "$kotlin_gradle_plugin:$kotlin_version" } } apply plugin: 'kotlin-js' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile "$kotlin_stdlib_js:$kotlin_version" } @jossiwolf
  4. compileKotlin2Js.kotlinOptions { sourceMap = true //Generate a source-map for debug

    sourceMapEmbedSources = "always" //And embed the source } @jossiwolf
  5. compileKotlin2Js.kotlinOptions { sourceMap = true //Generate a source-map for debug

    sourceMapEmbedSources = "always" //And embed the source moduleKind = "plain" //The module loader to be used } @jossiwolf
  6. compileKotlin2Js.kotlinOptions { sourceMap = true //Generate a source-map for debug

    sourceMapEmbedSources = "always" //And embed the source moduleKind = "plain" //The module loader to be used outputFile = "web/index.js" //Output file that we use } @jossiwolf
  7. task assembleWeb(type: Sync) { configurations.compile.each { File file -> from(zipTree(file.absolutePath),

    { includeEmptyDirs = false include { fileTreeElement -> def path = fileTreeElement.path path.endsWith(".js") && (path.startsWith("META-INF/resources/") || !path.startsWith("META-INF/")) } }) } from compileKotlin2Js.destinationDir into "${projectDir}/web" dependsOn classes } assemble.dependsOn assembleWeb @jossiwolf
  8. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Kotlin & JS <3</title> </head>

    <body> </body> <!-- The Kotlin libraries --> <script src="web/kotlin.js"></script> <script src="web/kotlinx-html-js.js"></script> <!-- Make sure this is at the bottom --> <script src="web/index.js"></script> </html> @jossiwolf
  9. <div class="mdc-card"> <section class="mdc-card__primary"> <h1 class="mdc-card__title mdc-card__title--large">Title goes here</h1> <h2

    class="mdc-card__subtitle">Subtitle here</h2> </section> <section class="mdc-card__supporting-text"> Some text goes here </section> <section class="mdc-card__actions"> <button class="mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action"> Action 1 </button> <button class="mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action"> Action 2 </button> </section> </div> @jossiwolf
  10. verticalLayout { val name = editText() button("Say Hello") { onClick

    { toast("Hello, ${name.text}!") } } } @jossiwolf
  11. div("mdc-card") { section("mdc-card__primary") { h1("mdc-card__title) { +"This is the title"

    } h2("mdc-card__subtitle") { +"Subtitle" } } section("mdc-card__supporting-text") { +"This is the card's text" } } @jossiwolf
  12. fun DIV.card(title: String, subtitle: String, text: String) { div("mdc-card") {

    section("mdc-card__primary") { h1("mdc-card__title") { +title } h2("mdc-card__subtitle") { +subtitle } } section("mdc-card__supporting-text") { +text } } } @jossiwolf
  13. fun DIV.card(title: String, subtitle: String, text: String) { div("mdc-card") {

    section("mdc-card__primary") { h1("mdc-card__title") { +title } h2("mdc-card__subtitle") { +subtitle } } section("mdc-card__supporting-text") { +text } } } @jossiwolf
  14. card { title = "Card Title" subtitle = "Card Subtitle"

    text = "Hello Kotlin Meetup!„ } @jossiwolf
  15. card { title = "Card Title" subtitle = "Card Subtitle"

    text = "Hello Kotlin Meetup!" action { text = "Action!" } elevation = 6 } @jossiwolf
  16. fun higherOrderFunction(block: (String) -> String): String { return block("Hello from

    up here") } The function takes a string as parameter @jossiwolf
  17. fun higherOrderFunction(block: (String) -> String): String { return block("Hello from

    up here") } The function takes a string as parameter @jossiwolf
  18. fun higherOrderFunction(block: (String) -> String): String { return block("Hello from

    up here") } The function takes a string as parameter Its return type is also String @jossiwolf
  19. fun higherOrderFunction(block: (String) -> String): String { return block("Hello from

    up here") } println(higherOrderFunction { it }) //Prints „Hello from up here“ The function takes a String as parameter Its return type is Also String @jossiwolf
  20. fun higherOrderFunction(block: (String) -> String): String { return block("Hello from

    up here") } println(higherOrderFunction { return@higherOrderFunction it }) //Prints „Hello from up here“ The function takes a String as parameter Its return type is Also String @jossiwolf
  21. card { title = "Card Title" subtitle = "Card Subtitle"

    text = "Hello Kotlin Meetup!" } @jossiwolf
  22. card { title = "Hello" subtitle = "Subtitle" } {

    "title_xesk5l$_0": "Hello", "subtitle_x7q17f$_0": "Subtitle", "actions": [] } @jossiwolf
  23. fun DIV.card(block: MaterialCardOptions.() -> Unit) { val options = MaterialCardOptions().apply(block)

    div("mdc-card") { section("mdc-card__primary") { h1 { classes = setOf("mdc-card__title") +options.title } h2("mdc-card__subtitle") { +options.subtitle } } section("mdc-card__supporting-text") { +options.text } } } @jossiwolf
  24. document.body?.append { div { card { title = "Shiba Inu"

    subtitle = "Japanese Dog Breed" text = "Shiba Inu, also known as Doge, is a Japanese dog breed." } } } @jossiwolf