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ITC_Lab#[email protected]

Daniel Tseng
September 25, 2013

 ITC_Lab#[email protected]

Introduction to Computers
How to use Linux/Unix

Daniel Tseng

September 25, 2013

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  1. Assignment #1 10% of your final grade Design and implement

    a website Each group need to build a website. You may decide the topic of the site , but the topic must be confirmed by the TA. Each group must prepare a 10 minutes presentation to introduce and promote your website. You also need to include a short video clip about your website in your presentation.
  2. Command line command 用途 cd [directory name] 移動到目標路徑 cd ..

    移動到上⼀一層 ls (-l) 列出目前所在位置的資訊 pwd 印出目前的路徑所在 clear 清除目前視窗 chmod 改變檔案/資料夾讀寫權限 uname (-a) 印出系統的資訊 passwd 改密碼 mkdir [dir. name] 創見新的folder rm [file name] 移除檔案 rmdir [dir. name] 移除folder cp [origin] [dest] 複製檔案 空格要注意、()內可加可不加
  3. Command line command 用途 vi(m) [file name] 編輯檔案,或沒有就新增 vim command

    用途 :w 存檔寫入 :q 離開vim編輯模式 :q! 強制離開vim編輯模式