Building Apps with Java and Kotlin: Learn2Earn Special Session
In this session:
- We explored the mobile development landscape, career opportunities, and lucrative income potential.
- Shared resources on how to start building your app development skills in java and Kotlin.
- Hands-on coding demo.
technical writer. I am passionate about Open Source and currently mentor Outreachy interns at ODK-X. I am excited about learning and simplifying complicated concepts in software engineering. I am a Women Techmakers Ambassador and Google Developers Group co-organizer. In my free time, I enjoys immersing myself in music.
and product engineer at Dobande Technologies. I am also a Technical author at LogRocket. Aside from work, I enjoy reading the Bible, binge-watching tv-series and working out.
for Android development provided by Google. • Android SDK: The Android SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of tools, libraries, and APIs that developers need to create Android apps. It includes the Android Runtime (ART), the Java Development Kit (JDK), and a variety of other tools for building and testing apps.
at random, when I launch FitDeck 2. As a user, I can stop the randomization, when I click a stop button 3. As a user , I can see the app instruction manual, when I click a button on the randomizer screen 4. As a user, I can restart the randomizer, when I click a restart button 5. As a user, I see a splash screen, when I launch the app