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meteor.js with coffeescript, jade and stylus [EN]

Leo Nistor
November 06, 2014

meteor.js with coffeescript, jade and stylus [EN]

Meteor meetup Brasov, Romania

Leo Nistor

November 06, 2014

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  1. GET RID OF {}! meteor.js with coffeescript, jade and stylus

    leo.nistor at gmail.com Meteor Meetup Brașov, România Noiembrie 2014
  2. WHICH IS MORE READABLE? <div class="navbar"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Title</a> <ul

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  3. WHICH IS MORE READABLE? Template.comment_list.created = function(){ postObject = this.data;

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  5. meteor add coffeescript coffeescript.org coffeescriptcookbook.com TLDR: leveluptuts.com/tutorials/
 namespacing: define

 @myVar or share.myVar chaining syntax since 1.7 editor: show javascript js2coffee.org will not teach you javascript, underscore and node!