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How to motivate counsels to use an internal Social Intranet

September 16, 2019

How to motivate counsels to use an internal Social Intranet

At Luther Lawfirm all counsels are working intensively with clients by understanding their needs, bearing always in mind the business and financial implications of their advice. Being a partnership of lawyers and tax advisors with 10 offices in Germany and 6 international offices in the relevant European and Asian markets Luther Lawfirm offers cross-border advice and project management. As collaboration internally and externally is mandatory Luther Lawfirm decided to decommission their old intranet and make a big step by introducing a Social Intranet based on IBM Connections and ICEC. We will explain the general approach, the most important project mile stones and show how important it is to provide a user centric intranet. Also we will give a quick view on what is planned next.


September 16, 2019

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  1. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 PLATINUM SPONSOR PLATINUM

  2. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 The speakers Andreas

    Gäbisch Thomas Rickert Thomas has been working with IBM Collaboration Solutions for more than 20 years realizing many Notes/Domino, Sametime, Connections, Mobile and Portal projects for corporate and enterprise customers from the scratch. Nowadays his focus is on the value share and business side of collaborative and social solutions. Currently, he is working as Software Architect at TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH. Andreas Gäbisch was born in 1963. After graduating from high school, he studied information technology at Chemnitz Technical University. Following positions in the IT departments of Motorradwerke Zschopau, Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young, Andreas Gäbisch is responsible for IT at Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft since 2007.
  3. Facts and Figures Lawyers and tax advisors Number of partners

    Offices at important German economic centres International offices at important financial centres and investment locations Mio. Euro Turnover FY 2018/2019 (national offices) Mio. Euro Turnover FY 2018/2019 (worldwide) Close long-term relationships with renowned commercial law firms worldwide Frequently listed in the specialist media as leading and recommended advisors 420 10 8 77 190,2 207,7
  4. Our industry focus Information Tech & Telecommunications Health Care &

    Life Science Energy Mobility & Logistics Real Estate & Infrastructure
  5. Overview of our practice areas ▪ Antitrust Law ▪ Capital

    Markets, Banking & Finance ▪ Commercial and Distribution Law, Product Liability / Product Compliance ▪ Complex Disputes ▪ Compliance & Internal Investigations ▪ Corporate / M&A ▪ Data Protection Law ▪ Employment Law ▪ Energy Law ▪ Environment & Planning Law, Regulatory ▪ Family businesses - entrepreneurial families ▪ IP and Copyright Law ▪ IT Law ▪ Insurance law ▪ International Trade Law ▪ Notarial Services ▪ Public Procurement Law ▪ Public Subsidies / State Aid Law ▪ Real Estate • Restructuring and Insolvency ▪ Tax Law ▪ White-collar Crime & Tax offences
  6. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Tough time line

    until launch of „Luther.connect“ • Within 3 months (03/2018 – 06/2018) … • Launch date was fixed (15th of June 2018) „Practice Day - Meeting of global Luther counsels“ → Announcement of new intranet • Replace existing intranet (do not lose important content) • Bring benefits = first Collaboration assets • Modern, mobile etc.
  7. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 What do you

    need? Well first, a great team • Main sponsors = Managing Partners • Corporate Communications • HR • Main internal departments (Marketing, Finance, Compliance, Business Development) • A few selected counsels • IT Team • External partner
  8. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Time schedule (big

    picture) Technical / System Freeze / review Next steps - IT topics (E-Akte) - Review of use cases - Broader usage of platform - Exec./Mgmt. Feedback - Monitoring - Measuring March April May June Install Support Prepare Material Training Staff Training II Governance Define Policies / Scope / Guidelines Final Policies for Launch Communications Team Prepare Material / Define Comm. Plan Prepare Material / Define Comm. Plan Start official Communication Pilot Teams ESN First Training snippets On-the-Product Training Use Case Training … External = Milestone Review Guideline / Policy / Training Material / Design / Install Train Comm. Team / IT Training Train Comm. Team / IT Training Use Case Training L a u n c h Team nominations Technical Communication Design Navigation Content Defintiion CI / CD Create Templates Content Creation Content Import Create Templates Content Creation
  9. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Transformation / replacement

    of existing solution • Document centric (static) • Few editors (not many readers…) • Single language • No 1:1 transformation (but content mig.) • Intranet & Social collaboration • Include foreign locations
  10. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 But … how

    to motivate counsels (and all other employees) to use a Social Intranet? • Relevant information = added value • Ease of use • Management attention • Training • Find great use cases
  11. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Targets (What?) How?

    • Continuous communication of news and updates about processes • Luther.connect primary information channel → reduce e-mail & clutter Luther.connect is the central preferred platform for gathering all Luthr related information • Create awareness • Know-how source • Sharing Best Practices (positive messages and results) permanently • Identify, enable and support multiplicators • Primary „Search Engine“ for finding internal information and results Luther.connect is used by organizational units (i.e. Service Lines, Practice groups, Locations, Business Service Areas) and single teams to build networks and increase internal information exchange and knowledge share and knowledge management • Reduced complexity • Easy research for information • Profile enhancements Luther.connect should use KISS principle > keep it short and simple < • Transparency during tenders and offers (Business Development) • Again: Sharing Best Practices (positive messages and results) • Integration of workflows Luther.connect supports simplification (and reduction) of internal processes Strategic goals for Luther.Connect
  12. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 (many) Target groups

    • All employees • New employees • Locations • Managing Partner • Management Teams • Location Heads • „Partnerausschuss“ • Community Manager • Professionals • Service Lines • Practical groups • Interest groups (fachlich) • Special interest groups • Partners • WiMi & Referendare • Assistents • Key Users • Switch Board / Empfang • Admin • Azubis • Ausland (Europa / Asien)
  13. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Added value for

  14. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Functional communities IT

    Marketing Business Development Quality & Risk Mgmt Finance HR PR & Kommunikation Knowledge Mgmt Admin teams Locations Düsseldorf Essen Frankfurt a.M. Brüssel London Luxemburg Shanghai Hamburg Hannover Köln München Singapur Yangon Capital Markets & Banking Commercial General Corporate / M&A M&A Services IP/IT Employment Real Estate Tax Service Lines Antitrust, Competition & Regulatory …
  15. Relevance ! Awareness ✓ Main message(s)  Information request 

    # of participants Information types + ++ +++ bei Bedarf laufend Frequency Intensity TOP 3 Targets 1. 2. 3. Intensity Target groups Community-Sheet   ☺ Area of interest + ++ +++ Information distribution Raise discussions File distribution Projekt Managment Documentation / processes Time of usage Owner / Steering 1. 2. 3.
  16. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Latest Information Subareas

    External Data Important Links Shot description Discussions Logo + … and much more … Templates / File storage … Documentation … Process description … Surveys
  17. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Launch of „Luther.connect“

    ✓ On time on 15th of June 2018 „Practice Day - Meeting of global Luther counsels“ ✓ Replace existing intranet (do not lose important content) ✓ Bring benefits = first Collaboration assets ✓ Modern, (mobile) etc.
  18. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Counsel‘s view with

    related information (current screenshot) Current information Counsel‘s engagements Find a collague Important links Counsel‘s dashboard Communities for counsels
  19. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Luther.Connect – Phase

    2 Linking of Luther.contacts (CRM) Creation of buiness communities International: reverso Luther.connect Phase 2 Integration Knowledge Database: HCL LEAP Integration spotlight Usability: Fade out; Orient.me Extranet: Client integration More training; Organization
  20. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Training methods •

    Community Management / Admin Communities • Train-the-Trainer (e.g. for Locations) • Presence training (on demand) • Remote training (via Sametime) • Training videos • Handouts • Best Practices • Continuous participation and presentation at „General Counsel Meetings“
  21. Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Our wishes for

    Connections.Next • Integration of external data • Full mobile features • Consistent design & structure (Connections → ICEC) • Best performance