- The world's largest event for Kubernetes and CloudNative - Attendees: over 10,000 (really?) - Sessions: about 400 - Major Topics: Scaling, Security, Networking, Devops, Monitoring, ...
Quite few sessions that tagged serverless (about 1%) - Most of the k8s users are using services such as GKE, and aren't thinking to manage the serverless service on their own. - The following 3 products were talked about: - Knative - Kubeflow - KEDA - Knative, Kubeflow sessions had many practical contents
Knative Jay Guo & Ying Chun Guo, IBM - As the title - Serverless Platform for Large Scale Mini-Apps: From Knative to Production Yitao Dong & Ke Wang, Ant Financial - Accelerate containers running on Knative with hot stanby
- Builds a convenient env set on k8s for machine learning operators (likes TensorFlowExtended) - Provides multi-step ML workflow - Abstract model handling
Orit Nissan-Messing, Iguazio - In addition to Kubeflow, examples and demonstrations of performing processing at high speed using Serverless data I/O component called Nuclio were shown.
https://kccncna19.sched.com/event/Uad9/serverless-platform-for-large-scale-mini-apps-from-knative-to-production-yitao-dong-ke-wang-ant-financial Interested Session: 13 - Reduced the time from event issuance to pod activation to 1/10 - Implemented pool based pre-warming - Reduce costs per tenant by sharing Knative controllers among tenants - Implemented multitenancy in cluster by namespace and RBAC - Scalability for large clusters - Virtually sharding a Cluster and setting up a each controller
Serverless on theirs k8s? → I think there are two reasons: - They want to easily manage workloads that require a lot of resources. - They want to make effective use of resources in their cluster. - I think it is still immature but is developing at high speed - If you use both Serverless and k8s on Public Cloud etc., I think it is worth paying attention.
functions are enriched but there are few functions for automating operations with event-base → Provide FaaS for centrally managing events and promoting operational automation
but the average load is not high… (The cost per VM is not cheap!) → VMs just for executing batches should be replaced with FaaS more detail: https://speakerdeck.com/line_devday2019/cloud-native-challenges-in-private-cloud-with-k8s-knative
Verda 18 - Recently released in Production - Supported events: - HTTP, Cron - Change server and network status - Change project and member information - etc - Active in event-driven operations and batch processing
in LINE Fukuoka: - Network > Software L7 load balancer development - Infra software > Monitoring and provisioning automation development - SRE > Operation, automation and user support