Lothar Schulz | 2019-03-20 Slido.com #devops2019 | @lothar_schulz Dependency $ cat Dockerfile # “latest” will be used when --build-arg is omitted ARG BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=latest FROM registry/stups/python ${BASE_IMAGE_VERSION}
Lothar Schulz | 2019-03-20 Slido.com #devops2019 | @lothar_schulz Compliance In general, compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_compliance
Lothar Schulz | 2019-03-20 Slido.com #devops2019 | @lothar_schulz object store AWS S3 control access via IAM roles provision roles in AWS accounts change request cache control headers