As modern, agile architects and developers we need to master several different languages and technologies all at once to build state-of-the-art solutions and yet be 100% productive. We define our development environments using Gradle. We implement our software in Java, Kotlin or another JVM based language. We use Groovy or Scala to test our code at different layers. We construct the build pipelines for our software using a Groovy DSL or JSON. We use YAML and Python to describe the infrastructure and the deployment for our applications. We document our architectures using AsciiDoc and JRuby. Welcome to Babel!
Making the right choices in the multitude of available languages and technologies is not easy. Randomly combining every hip technology out there will surely lead into chaos. What we need is a customized, streamlined tool chain and technology stack that fits the project, your team and the customer’s ecosystem all at once. This code intense, polyglot session is an opinionated journey into the modern era of software industrialization.