rights reserved. Pipeline-driven CloudFormation: Authoring and Testing DevOps Meetup Chicago June 18, 2019 Dan Blanco (@thedanblanco) Dev Advocate, AWS CloudFormation dblanc@amazon.com Luis Colon (@luiscolon1) Sr Dev Advocate, AWS CloudFormation licolon@amazon.com
rights reserved. Code in YAML/JSON directly, use SAM or macros, translate higher level languages (CDK), or use sample templates Upload local files via the browser console, from an S3 bucket, or via pipelines Create stacks or using console, CLI, or AWS SDK, or stack set instances across accounts and regions Stacks, stack sets, and resources are created and managed
rights reserved. Source Version control all templates and configuration Build Static analysis and tests Test Clean environment for integration testing Promote Deployment to live environments Infrastructure… is code!
rights reserved. Setting up a Pipeline Region Cloud Developers Git push Templates AWS CodeCommit AWS CodePipeline AWS CodeBuild taskcat AWS CloudFormation cfn-lint cfn-nag test stack change set staging production
rights reserved. Linting https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cfn-python-lint • Plugins for Atom, VisualStudio Code, Sublime, VIM • Run headless in pipelines • Process multiple files • Handles Conditions/Fn::If • SAM Local integration • Available now on GitHub, over 100,000 downloads
rights reserved. Customizing your linter • Require specific tags • Black list of resource types • ie. Can’t create X resource type • Enforce/require a property • Forbid a property value • ie. Don’t let people create public buckets • More! https://binx.io/blog/2018/07/07/aws-cloudformation-validation-in-cicd-pipelines/
rights reserved. Taskcat https://github.com/aws-quickstart/taskcat • From the AWS QuickStart team • Open Source • Catches problems that aren’t obvious in a single template or stack • Tests templates by creating stacks in multiple AWS regions simultaneously • Generates a report with a pass/fail grade for each region
rights reserved. Proritize end-to-end tests As a general rule, we want to be writing less code in the serverless world. It's quite possible to write a useful service in AWS using mostly configuration. For example, you can build a CRUD API using API Gateway and DynamoDB alone - no Lambda functions in the middle required. The more "serverless" you get, the less code you can usefully unit test, and the more you have to rely on tests of your deployed infrastructure. https://dev.to/trek10inc/ci-cd-aws-and-serverless-5-tips-i-learned-the-hard-way-223p
rights reserved. Scenario • Inheriting a template • Non-working code! • Set up pipeline and authoring environment • Validating pipeline • Resolving issues
rights reserved. Region Cloud Developers Git push Templates AWS CodeCommit AWS CodePipeline AWS CodeBuild taskcat AWS CloudFormation cfn-lint cfn-nag test stack change set staging production
rights reserved. Refactoring for easier maintenance Parameters Mappings Conditions Outputs Resources YAML/JSON Template • Parameters: avoids hardcoding of values, can add validation to users and improve UX with console grouping, labels and descriptions. Keep secrets in Parameter Store and Secrets Manager • Mappings: as a case statement, helps maintain a set of information for different environments • Conditions: simple if/then statements - “if dev do this, if prod do that” • Imports and Exports
rights reserved. Summary • Put all your assets in version control from the start • Leverage modern editors and plugins • Optimize your editor for CloudFormation • Use a pipeline • Use cfn-lint, both for editing and in the pipeline • Test on different environments with Taskcat • Refactor your files for reuse - parameters, mappings, etc • Smaller templates are easier to test and maintain, quicker to deploy
rights reserved. Thank You :) Get involved in slack - DM us on Twitter to join the #cloudformation channel Dan Blanco (@thedanblanco) Dev Advocate, AWS CloudFormation dblanc@amazon.com Luis Colon (@luiscolon1) Sr Dev Advocate, AWS CloudFormation licolon@amazon.com