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Let's talk about Fakes

Let's talk about Fakes

Leszek Rybicki

April 08, 2021

More Decks by Leszek Rybicki

Other Decks in Research


  1. Let's talk about Fakes Let's talk about all the good

    things And the bad things that may be
  2. Making Faces • Face Synthesis
 from nothing to face •

    Facial Attributes 
 modify age, gender, add glasses change hairstyle or color • Face Swap
 use the body and background of target, face of source • Facial Expression Transfer
 transfer only the expression or modify expression to match an impersonator or an audio track (reenactment)
  3. uneven skin tone artifacts in hair says strange things warped

    edges How to Spot a Fake obstruction glitches
  4. uneven skin tone artifacts in hair says strange things warped

    edges How to Spot a Fake obstruction glitches
  5. We react to images that speak to our tribal instincts

    or align with our political world view
  6. No matter how we try, how many tools we create

    to detect fakes, we WILL BE AFFECTED...