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Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernete...

Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Eirini, and Knative

2019 - Spring One Platform, Austin, USA

Matthias Haeussler

October 10, 2019

More Decks by Matthias Haeussler

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  1. Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Eirini, and Knative October 7–10,

    2019 Austin Convention Center Matthias Haeussler, Novatec Consulting GmbH & Dr. Nic Williams, Stark & Wayne LLC
  2. Deployment s Services NetworkPolici es LoadBalancer NodePort ReplicaSet StatefulSet Bind/Unbind

    Ingress Pods Container IngressControllers HPA ConfigMaps Secrets apply YAML YAML YAML Minimal Concepts Docker Image
  3. Speakers Dr. Nic Williams, CEO, Stark & Wayne @drnic Matthias

    Haeussler, Principal Advocate, Novatec @maeddes
  4. LXC Container/Platform history 2018 2017 2014 2013 2011 2008 1979

    …. … … 2012 chroot Virtualization and isolation in subsystems. Examples: FreeBSD Jails, Linux VServer cgroups (2007) namespaces (2002) garden eirini warden diego istio knative kubernetes cf push
  5. App Dev DB Systems Admin PivNet Platform Admin Secrets/Config Source

    Code Build Artifact Buildpacks / Images Containers Git CI/CD
  6. $ cf push sample-app $ kubectl get pods -n scf-eirini

    NAME READY STATUS sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-0 1/1 Running $ cf scale sample-app-java -i 4 $ kubectl get pods -n scf-eirini NAME READY STATUS sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-0 1/1 Running sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-1 0/1 ContainerCreating sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-2 0/1 ContainerCreating sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-3 1/1 Running $ kubectl exec -ti -n scf-eirini \ sample-app-dev-bb89da1431-0 bash cf push eirini
  7. $ kubectl get pods -n scf NAME READY STATUS cf-operator-894886ff9-5s4zx

    1/1 Running scf-adapter-v1-0 5/5 Running scf-api-v1-0 17/17 Running scf-bits-v1-0 7/7 Running scf-cc-worker-v1-0 5/5 Running scf-database-v1-0 5/5 Running scf-diego-api-v1-0 6/6 Running scf-doppler-v1-0 11/11 Running scf-eirini-v1-0 6/6 Running scf-log-api-v1-0 8/8 Running scf-nats-v1-0 5/5 Running scf-router-v1-0 6/6 Running scf-scheduler-v1-0 10/10 Running scf-singleton-blobstore-v1-0 7/7 Running scf-uaa-v1-0 7/7 Running update-all-cf-buildpacks-8d9lb 0/1 Completed cf push quarks
  8. kn service create $ kn service create \ sample-app-nodejs -n

    test-app \ --image starkandwayne/sample-app-nodejs $ bootstrap-system-knative kwt test-app $ curl http://sample-app-nodejs.test-app.example.com Hello World! $ kubectl get pods -n test-app NAME READY STATUS kwt-net 1/1 Running sample-app-nodejs-1-deployment-nbg2j 2/2 Running … wait… $ kubectl get pods -n test-app NAME READY STATUS kwt-net 1/1 Running sample-app-nodejs-1-deployment-nbg2j 2/2 Terminating
  9. istio knative $ kubectl get pods -n istio-system NAME READY

    STATUS cluster-local-gateway-5c566fd544-86wfw 1/1 Running cluster-local-gateway-5c566fd544-tx2p7 1/1 Running istio-ingressgateway-6c6cbf558b-kh6l8 2/2 Running istio-ingressgateway-6c6cbf558b-r6vpb 2/2 Running istio-pilot-7b6d979db8-vtmj9 1/1 Running $ kubectl get pods -n knative-serving NAME READY STATUS activator-68d9f95cd-9z4nz 1/1 Running autoscaler-5655c9fcfd-6x4jp 1/1 Running autoscaler-hpa-8668fc6f68-9vsfr 1/1 Running controller-5b77c5596c-qckcm 1/1 Running networking-istio-6d7d44d879-gz6j6 1/1 Running webhook-75b4fc9999-gwrp9 1/1 Running
  10. kubectl apply !!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml !!!-!!!$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1

    # apiVersion: apps/v1 2 # kind: Deployment 3 # metadata: 4 # name: sample-app-nodejs 5 # spec: 6 # selector: 7 # matchLabels: 8 # app: sample-app-nodejs 9 # replicas: 3 10 # template: 11 # metadata: 12 # labels: 13 # app: sample-app-nodejs 14 # spec: 15 # containers: 16 # - name: sample-app-nodejs 17 # image: index.docker.io/starkandwayne/sample-app-nodejs:latest 18 # --- 19 # apiVersion: v1 20 # kind: Service 21 # metadata: 22 # name: sample-app-nodejs 23 # spec: 24 # selector: 25 # app: sample-app-nodejs 26 # type: LoadBalancer 27 # ports: 28 # - protocol: TCP 29 # port: 80 30 # targetPort: 8080 !!!!!!!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. pack build $ pack build starkandwayne/sample-app-java ===> DETECTING [detector] skip:

    org.cloudfoundry.archiveexpanding@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] pass: org.cloudfoundry.openjdk@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] pass: org.cloudfoundry.buildsystem@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] pass: org.cloudfoundry.jvmapplication@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] pass: org.cloudfoundry.tomcat@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] pass: org.cloudfoundry.springboot@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] skip: org.cloudfoundry.jdbc@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] skip: org.cloudfoundry.jmx@1.0.0-RC02 [detector] Resolving plan... (try #1) [detector] Success! (7) … [builder] Cloud Foundry OpenJDK Buildpack 1.0.0-RC02 [builder] OpenJDK JDK 11.0.4: Contributing to layer $ docker run -ti -p 8080:8080 \ starkandwayne/sample-app-java
  12. @d cf bind-service $ cf create-service smtp shared outbound-email $

    cf bind-service my-node-app outbound-email $ cf env my-node-app "VCAP_SERVICES": { "smtp": [ { "binding_name": null, "credentials": { "host": "mail.authsmtp.com", "password": "special-secret", "port": 2525, "username": "ac123456" }, "instance_name": "outbound-email", "label": "smtp", "name": "outbound-email", "plan": "shared",
  13. $ kn service update \ sample-app-nodejs -n test-app \ --image

    starkandwayne/sample-app-nodejs:latest $ curl http://sample-app-nodejs.test-app.example.com Hello S1P! $ kn service list -n test-app NAME GENERATION CONDITIONS READY sample-app-nodejs 2 3 OK / 3 True $ kubectl get pods -n test-app NAME READY STATUS kwt-net 1/1 Running sample-app-nodejs-1-deployment-nbg2j 2/2 Terminating sample-app-nodejs-2-deployment-c6mrm 2/2 Running kn service update
  14. knative secrets kubectl create secret generic smtp -n test-app \

    --from-literal=SMTP_USER=devuser \ --from-literal=SMTP_PASSWORD='S!B\*d$zDsb' \ --from-literal=SMTP_HOST= kn service update show-env \ --image lhitchon/show-env:latest \ --namespace test-app \ --env-from secret:smtp
  15. Not Invented Here Platform Just because you didn't buy it

    doesn't mean its not a Platform If you start with Kubernetes you will build a bespoke Platform No one else will know how your K8s environment should work Enjoy someone else's standardised Platform
  16. Buy for work $ Pivotal Function Service Pivotal Container Service

    Pivotal Application Service for Kubernetes Pivotal Build Service
  17. We help build and run your platforms We help build

    and run your applications How to choose?