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Play with Rubys AST

February 11, 2020

Play with Rubys AST

数学の勉強のために Ruby の構文木と遊んでいる話
2020.02.11. 大江戸 Ruby 会議 08


February 11, 2020

More Decks by makicamel

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  1. •਺ֶͰͭ·ͮ͘ग़དྷࣄ͕૿͖͑ͯͨ •CRuby ࣮૷ͱ͔ Kernel Ϟδϡʔϧ (ΔΓ·) ͱ͔
 ϓϩάϥϛϯάͷجૅ (ຊ) ͱ͔

    •ෳૉ਺ͱ͔ྦྷ৐ͱ͔ 2 ࣍ํఔࣜͱ͔ղͷެࣜͱ͔ •௥͍ͬͯͨίʔυɾຊ్͕੾Εͯ͠·͏ͷ΋͍ͬͨͳ͍ •ۤखҙࣝΛࠀ෰ͨ͠Β΋ͬͱָ͘͠ͳΓͦ͏ ͳͥ਺ֶʁ
  2. 2 ࣍ํఔࣜ ͷ܎਺ 
 (͍ͣΕ΋࣮਺ͱ͢Δ) Λ༩͑ΒΕͨΒɺ
 ൑ผࣜͷ஋Λฦؔ͢਺ Λ
 σβΠϯϨγϐ※ ʹ͕ͨͬͯ͠࡞Εɻ

    ͜͜Ͱ ͸ Ͱ͸ͳ͍ͱԾఆͯ͠Α͍ɻ ax2 + bx + c = 0 a, b, c hanbetsushiki a 0 ϓϩάϥϛϯάͷجૅ $PNQVUFS4DJFODF-JCSBSZ ୈষؔ਺ͷఆٛcઙҪ݈Ұ
 IUUQTXXXBNB[PODPKQEQ ˞σβΠϯϨγϐͱ͸͜ͷຊͰఏএ͞Ε͍ͯΔɺϓϩάϥϜ࡞੒࣌ʹ͕ͨ͠͏΂͖ࢦ਑ͷ͜ͱ ͨͱ͑͹ʁ
  3. ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ ͡Όͳͯ͘ɹɹɹɹ ͬͯॻ͖͍ͨ ͨͱ͑͹ʁ •൑ผࣜ •ํఔࣜ ʹରͯ͠ ͷ͜ͱ •Ruby Ͱॻ͘ͱ

    •௕͍ •΋͏গ͠਺ࣜͬΆ͘ॻ͖͍ͨ ax2 + bx + c b2 − 4ac b ** 2 - 4 * a * c 4 * a * c 4 a c
  4. Ruby Ͱͭ͘Δ Ruby •ԕ౻ (@mame) ͞Μͷஶ࡞ •ʮRuby Ͱ Ruby Λ࡞Γͳ͕ΒRuby

    ΛֶͿʯຊ •Ruby Ͱ Ruby ΠϯλʔϓϦλΛ࡞Δ 3VCZͰͭ͘Δ3VCZθϩ͔Βֶͼͳ͓͢ϓϩάϥϛϯάݴޠೖ໳cԕ౻ါհ
  5. ࣈ۟ղੳ •ɹɹɹɹɹɹ ͱ͍͏ Ruby ϓϩάϥϜ͸ 4 * a * c

    def hello; "World"; end def hello ; “ World " ; end ࣈ۟ = Token (τʔΫϯ) 4 * a * c ɹɹͱ͍͏ࣈ۟ʹ෼͚ΒΕΔ •ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹͱ͍͏ Ruby ϓϩάϥϜ͸ ɹɹͱ͍͏ࣈ۟ʹ෼͚ΒΕΔ
  6. ߏจղੳ •ΠϯλʔϓϦλ͕ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹΛಡΉ࣌ 4 * * * a * c 4

    * a * c •ߏจ໦ʹม׵͢Δ͜ͱ = ߏจղੳ = Parse •ղੳͷ్தͰਖ਼͍͠ߏจ͔νΣοΫ͢Δ
  7. Ripper.lex Ripper.lex('4 * a') # => [[[1, 0], :on_int, "4",

    END], # [[1, 1], :on_sp, " ", END], # [[1, 2], :on_op, "*", BEG], # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", BEG], # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "a", ARG]] Ґஔ৘ใ
  8. Ripper.lex Ripper.lex('4 * a') # => [[[1, 0], :on_int, "4",

    END], # [[1, 1], :on_sp, " ", END], # [[1, 2], :on_op, "*", BEG], # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", BEG], # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "a", ARG]] ੔਺ ۭനจࣈ ԋࢉࢠ ࣝผࢠ
  9. Ripper.lex Ripper.lex('4 * a') # => [[[1, 0], :on_int, "4",

    END], # [[1, 1], :on_sp, " ", END], # [[1, 2], :on_op, "*", BEG], # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", BEG], # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "a", ARG]] τʔΫϯจࣈྻ
  10. Ripper.lex Ripper.lex('4 * a') # => [[[1, 0], :on_int, "4",

    END], # [[1, 1], :on_sp, " ", END], # [[1, 2], :on_op, "*", BEG], # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", BEG], # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "a", ARG]] State
  11. Ripper::Lexer::State Ripper::Lexer.constants.select do |constant| constant.to_s.start_with? :EXPR.to_s end # => [

  12. class RDoc::Parser::RipperStateLex class InnerStateLex < Ripper::Filter private def on_variables(event, tok,

    data) if @in_fname @lex_state = EXPR_ENDFN @in_fname = false @continue = false elsif @continue case @lex_state when EXPR_DOT @lex_state = EXPR_ARG else @lex_state = EXPR_ENDFN @continue = false end else @lex_state = EXPR_CMDARG end data << Token.new(lineno, column, event, tok, @lex_state) end # ... end •ϓϩάϥϜͷͲ͜ʹ͋Δ͔ʹΑͬͯState͕มԽ͢Δ
  13. ܭࢉͷ࣮ߦ def evaluate(tree, genv, lenv) case tree[0] when "lit" tree[1]

    when "+" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) + evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "-" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) - evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "*" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) * evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "/" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) / evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "**" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv)**evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "%" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) % evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "<" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) < evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "<=" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) <= evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when ">" # ... 3VCZͰͭ͘Δ3VCZθϩ͔Βֶͼͳ͓͢ϓϩάϥϛϯάݴޠೖ໳cԕ౻ါհ
  14. खॱ 1. Ripper ʹ͔͚ͯߏจղੳ͕Ͱ͖Δ͔νΣοΫ 2. Ͱ͖ͳ͚Ε͹਺஋ͱม਺͕ฒΜͰ͍ΔจࣈྻΛ୳͢ 3. ਺஋ͱม਺ͷؒʹ * Λૠೖͯ͠ฦ͢

    4. 1 ʙ 3 ͷ܁Γฦ͠ 5. * ͕ૠೖ͞Εͨߏจ໦Λ࣮ߦ (ܭࢉ) ͢Δ ※ ߏจղੳ͸
 Ruby Ͱͭ͘Δ Ruby ͷิॿϥΠϒϥϦ
  15. खॱ 1. Ripper ʹ͔͚ͯߏจղੳ͕Ͱ͖Δ͔νΣοΫ 2. Ͱ͖ͳ͚Ε͹਺஋ͱม਺͕ฒΜͰ͍ΔจࣈྻΛ୳͢ 3. ਺஋ͱม਺ͷؒʹ * Λૠೖͯ͠ฦ͢

    4. 1 ʙ 3 ͷ܁Γฦ͠ 5. * ͕ૠೖ͞Εͨߏจ໦Λ࣮ߦ (ܭࢉ) ͢Δ NJOSVCZNBNFNJOSVCZc(JU)VC
  16. Ripper.sexp('4 * a') # => [:program, # [[:binary, # [:@int,

    "4", [1, 0]], # :*, # [:vcall, [:@ident, "a", [1, 4]]]]]] Ripper.sexp program͔Β࢝·ΔϦετ ೋ෼໦ ਺஋Ϧςϥϧ ৐ࢉԋࢉࢠ ࣝผࢠ
  17. Ripper.sexp class Ripper def Ripper.sexp(src, filename = '-', lineno =

    1) builder = SexpBuilderPP.new(src, filename, lineno) sexp = builder.parse sexp unless builder.error? end # ... end DMBTT3JQQFSSVCZSVCZc(JU)VC
  18. ߏจղੳνΣοΫ 1. Ripper ʹ͔͚ͯߏจղੳ͕Ͱ͖Δ͔νΣοΫ module MathParser class MathRubyParser < MinRubyParser

    def mathruby_parse(program) converted_program = Ripper.sexp(program) ? program : reparse(program.strip) simplify(Ripper.sexp(converted_program)) end # ... end end
  19. τʔΫϯνΣοΫ 2. Ͱ͖ͳ͚Ε͹਺஋ͱม਺͕ฒΜͰ͍ΔจࣈྻΛ୳͢ module MathParser::Converter def reparse(program) tokens = Ripper.lex(program)

    converted_program = convert(tokens) original_program = tokens.map{|token| token[2]}.join "" program.sub!(original_program, converted_program) Ripper.sexp(program).nil? ? reparse(program) : program end # ... end
  20. module MathParser::Converter def convert(tokens) lines = [] tokens.last[0][0].times do |i|

    line_no = i + 1 previous_numeric = false line = [] tokens.map do |token| next if line_no > token[0][0] break if line_no < token[0][0] if space?(token) line << token[2] elsif currently_numeric?(token) && previous_numeric previous_numeric = true line << ["*", token[2]] else previous_numeric = currently_numeric?(token) line << token[2] end end lines << line.join("") end lines.join("") end # ... end ߦ൪߸ͷॳظԽ(1͔Β։࢝) ߦ൪߸͕ҧͬͨΒεΩοϓ line ʹτʔΫϯΛ௥Ճ
  21. module MathParser::Converter def convert(tokens) lines = [] tokens.last[0][0].times do |i|

    line_no = i + 1 previous_numeric = false line = [] tokens.map do |token| next if line_no > token[0][0] break if line_no < token[0][0] if space?(token) line << token[2] elsif currently_numeric?(token) && previous_numeric previous_numeric = true line << ["*", token[2]] else previous_numeric = currently_numeric?(token) line << token[2] end end lines << line.join("") end lines.join("") end # ... end
  22. τʔΫϯνΣοΫ 2. Ͱ͖ͳ͚Ε͹਺஋ͱม਺͕ฒΜͰ͍ΔจࣈྻΛ୳͢ module MathParser::Converter def currently_numeric?(token) ref_variable?(token) || int?(token)

    || float?(token) || rational?(token) end def ref_variable?(token) (token[1] == :on_ident) && (EXPR_END | EXPR_LABEL) == token[3]) end def int?(token) token[1] == :on_int end # ... end
  23. τʔΫϯνΣοΫ 2. Ͱ͖ͳ͚Ε͹਺஋ͱม਺͕ฒΜͰ͍ΔจࣈྻΛ୳͢ module MathParser::Converter def currently_numeric?(token) ref_variable?(token) || int?(token)

    || float?(token) || rational?(token) end def ref_variable?(token) (token[1] == :on_ident) && (EXPR_END | EXPR_LABEL) == token[3]) end def int?(token) token[1] == :on_int end # ... end
  24. module MathParser::Converter def convert(tokens) lines = [] tokens.last[0][0].times do |i|

    # ... tokens.map do |token| # ... if space?(token) line << token[2] elsif currently_numeric?(token) && previous_numeric previous_numeric = true line << ["*", token[2]] else previous_numeric = currently_numeric?(token) line << token[2] end end lines << line.join("") end # ... * ͷૠೖ 3. ਺஋ͱม਺ͷؒʹ * Λૠೖͯ͠ฦ͢
  25. 4. 1 ʙ 3 ͷ܁Γฦ͠ * ͷૠೖ module MathParser::Converter def

    reparse(program) tokens = Ripper.lex(program) converted_program = convert(tokens) original_program = tokens.map{|token| token[2]}.join "" program.sub!(original_program, converted_program) Ripper.sexp(program).nil? ? reparse(program) : program end # ... end
  26. 4. 1 ʙ 3 ͷ܁Γฦ͠ Ripper.lex '1 2 3 4

    5' # => [[[1, 0], :on_int, "1", END], # [[1, 1], :on_sp, " ", END], # [[1, 2], :on_idt, "2", END]] γϯλοΫεΤϥʔʹͳΔͱlex్͕தͰऴྃ͢Δ * ͷૠೖ program.sub!(original_program, converted_program) Ripper.sexp(program).nil? ? reparse(program) : program
  27. ܭࢉͷ࣮ߦ module MathParser class MathRubyParser < MinRubyParser def mathruby_parse(program) converted_program

    = Ripper.sexp(program) ? program : reparse(program.strip) simplify(Ripper.sexp(converted_program)) end # ... end end 5. * ͕ૠೖ͞Εͨߏจ໦Λ࣮ߦ (ܭࢉ) ͢Δ minruby ͷఏڙϝιου
  28. ܭࢉͷ࣮ߦ 5. * ͕ૠೖ͞Εͨߏจ໦Λ࣮ߦ (ܭࢉ) ͢Δ module MathParser def evaluate(tree,

    genv, lenv) case tree[0] when "lit" tree[1] when "+" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) + evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "-" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) - evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "*" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) * evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "/" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) / evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "**" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv)**evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "%" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) % evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "<" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) < evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when "<=" evaluate(tree[1], genv, lenv) <= evaluate(tree[2], genv, lenv) when ">" # ... 3VCZͰͭ͘Δ3VCZθϩ͔Βֶͼͳ͓͢ϓϩάϥϛϯάݴޠೖ໳cԕ౻ါհ
 Ruby Ͱͭ͘Δ Ruby ͷ಺༰΄΅ͦͷ··
  29. Ͱ͖ͨʂʂ irb(main):001:0> require ‘math_parser' => true irb(main):002:0' mp ' irb(main):003:0'

    a = 2 irb(main):004:0' c = 3 irb(main):005:0' 4 a c irb(main):006:0> ' => 24
  30. irb(main):001:0> require ‘math_parser' => true irb(main):002:0' mp ' irb(main):003:0' a

    = 2 irb(main):004:0' c = 3 irb(main):005:0' a 4 c irb(main):006:0> ' Ͱ͖ͯͳ͍ ϝιουݺͼग़͠ͱͯ͠ղऍ͞ΕΔ NoMethodError (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass)
  31. module MathParser def evaluate(tree, genv, lenv) case tree[0] # ...

    when "func_call" args = tree[2..].map { |t| evaluate(t, genv, lenv) } # ૊ΈࠐΈؔ਺ if respond_to?(tree[1]) || Kernel.respond_to?(tree[1]) send(tree[1], *args) # Ϣʔβఆٛؔ਺ elsif genv.has_key? tree[1] func_lenv = {} mhd = genv[tree[1]] params = mhd[1] params.each_with_index { |param, j| func_lenv[param] = args[j] } evaluate(mhd[2], genv, func_lenv) # ະఆٛͷ৔߹͸ tree Λมߋͯ͠࠶౓ evaluate ͢Δ else new_tree = ["*", ["var_ref", tree[1]], tree[2]] evaluate(new_tree, genv, lenv) end # ... end end end 5. * ͕ૠೖ͞Εͨߏจ໦Λ࣮ߦ (ܭࢉ) ͢Δ Ϣʔβఆٛؔ਺Λొ࿥
  32. Ͱ͖ͨʂʂ irb(main):001:0> require ‘math_parser' => true irb(main):002:0' mp ' irb(main):003:0'

    a = 2 irb(main):004:0' c = 3 irb(main):005:0' a 4 c irb(main):006:0> ' => 24
  33. Special Thanks Ruby Ͱͭ͘Δ Ruby | ԕ౻ ါհ (@mame) 

    https://www.lambdanote.com/products/ruby-ruby minruby | ԕ౻ ါհ (@mame) 