I S T A K E S / Q U E S T I O N S V I M ESC 1. 2. 3. ENTER : q Quit Vim. If you have unsaved changes, Vim refuses to exit. :q! Exit Vim without saving changes. :wq Write the file and exit.
I S T A K E S / Q U E S T I O N S H O W C A N I G O B A C K / U N D O ? MIGRATIONS: MODELS, CONTROLLERS, SCAFFOLDING rails generate xxx rake db:rollback rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20120801130101 you can undo whatever you generated with or http://guides.rubyonrails.org/migrations.html#rolling-back rails destroy xxx
I S T A K E S / Q U E S T I O N S O T H E R S I M P L E T H I N G S I installed everything but it doesnt work? Open a new terminal window! Restart the server. Make sure you are inside the correct folder RECORD YOUR ERRORS!!! You will thank yourself later. Asking for help is easy, try figure it out yourself! It might take 45 times longer but it will be worth it in the end. You will learn on your own mistakes! rm deletes the file!!! command G e t e x c i t e d a n d m a k e t h i n g s !