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Introduction to MidBac

Introduction to MidBac

An introduction to MidBac, based on converted .ppt

Marius @ SCiP5

April 18, 2013

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  1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Modern Baccalaureate movement is growing, and now

    offers an accreditation framework for learners aged 9-14 For primary settings, KS3 provision and supporting transition: • Helping schools to accredit a whole education experience, rather than simply a set of narrow performance indicators • Incentivising all young people, irrespective of ability, to exceed expectations within a broad and balanced curriculum… with an explicit emphasis on progress in literacy and numeracy • Celebrating the wider achievements of young people within and beyond the classroom, unlocking the power of informal learning • Encouraging a seamless link into Modbac proper, balancing the knowledge, skills and the wider experiences that prepare young people for 21st Century work and life, and in doing so, enhance life chances and success. WELCOME TO MIDBAC! Contact Marius Frank CEO at ASDAN Education if you would like to know more [email protected] MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  2. Finland, the top performing educational jurisdiction in the world, is

    committing vast resources to improve outcomes still further, weaving a set of 21st century learning and life skills through more conventional content, delivered in thematic, contextualised challenges. They recognise the world is changing, and so must the school system. An extract from “School of Opportunities”; Finnish Board of Education 2011 The CBI demands that schools and higher education do more to prepare young people for the rigours of the 21st century workplace. In a recent survey of top businesses, they asserted that school leavers entering a tough labour market must have the underlying skills needed for success in any job. This journey needs to begin as early as possible. The OECD is also clear about the challenges: demand for the competencies that 20th century school systems were good at imparting (routine cognitive and manual skills) is falling sharply among employers around the world; 21st century systems need to prepare students to deal with more rapid change than ever before … for jobs that have not yet been created … using technologies that have not yet been invented. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  3. The new imperatives are about learning how to learn, and

    developing ways of thinking that involve creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision- making. It is in sharp contrast to an emphasis on the capacity to reproduce facts. An extract from “School of Opportunities”; Finnish Board of Education 2011 At the same time, the British government is driving through a challenging school improvement agenda built around traditional academic subject disciplines and progress measures for all pupils. The Modern Baccalaureate initiative is an attempt to address all of these issues, supporting the agenda from Year 5 onwards. Modern Baccalaureate wishes to shine a light on the best practice that already exists within British schools and the wider community. We do not need to invest millions- we have the solutions already! There is clear research evidence that shows the explicit growth of transferrable skills is associated with increased academic progress. We have all the elements available to us: Modern Baccalaureate, and specifically Midbac, helps to join them together, without huge investment or massive curriculum upheaval. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  4. MidBac is a three part profile of achievement as well

    as a curriculum accreditation framework: CORE SECTION PROGRESS a celebration of achievement, against national rates, against expectations, open to every learner irrespective of age, ability and starting point. A clear focus on progress in literacy and numeracy. HONOURS SECTION EXPERIENCESthat build confidence and character, supplementing the pursuit of knowledge, and leading to a whole education experience: a celebration of opportunity SKILLS PASSPORT SKILLS that build competency: a celebration of the journey towards becoming work- ready and life-ready This tripartite approach to lifelong learning is at the heart of a Europe-wide vision, supporting an emphasis on competence that is underpinned by skills and knowledge. Modbac: • Empowers learners to take personal ownership of all three areas • Empowers schools, parents, teachers and community groups to address all three areas • Can be used as a “graduation” certificate to mark the transition from one phase to another MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  5. PROGRESS a celebration of achievement, against national rates, against expectations,

    open to every learner irrespective of age, ability and starting point. EXPERIENCES that build confidence and character, supplementing the pursuit of knowledge, and leading to a whole education experience: a celebration of opportunity SKILLS that build competency: a celebration of the journey towards becoming work- ready and life-ready MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  6. Progress in English Writing Reading Speaking and Listening Progress in

    Maths Progress in Science Progress in other Subjects Self-Management Problem Solving Working With Others Improving Learning Research Presentation Discussion Building Learning Power Emotional Literacy SEAL MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  7. Some Information about the Three Parts of the MIDBAC Modern

    Baccalaureate MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  8. Progress is a critical learning expectation for ages 9-14 We

    have a rich national data set against which an individual’s performance can be benchmarked For some learners who have fallen behind national standards by the later primary years, progress at greater than national rates becomes an imperative. Midbac shines the lens on progress against expectations. In this way, whatever a learner’s starting point, the progress a learner makes becomes the focus of engagement, motivation and reward. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 Progress in English Writing Reading Speaking and Listening Progress in Maths Progress in Science Progress in other Subjects
  9. Schools are free to use their chosen methodologies for recording

    attainment and achievement. MIDBAC enables the transcript to reflect the standards a young person has reached at the time of certification. However, the grading criteria reflect (and incentivise) the progress a young person makes, with emphasis on English and Maths. The grading criteria are designed to be simple to understand and apply, and shared with learners and parents. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 DISTINCTION* Progress in English and Maths at greater than national or expected rates, good progress in other subjects DISTINCTION Progress in English or Maths at greater than national or expected rates, good progress in other subjects MERIT Progress in English and Maths at expected rates of progress and in other subjects PASS Progress made in English and Maths and other subjects
  10. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 DISTINCTION* Progress in English

    and Maths at greater than national or expected rates, good progress in other subjects DISTINCTION Progress in English or Maths at greater than national or expected rates, good progress in other subjects MERIT Progress in English and Maths at expected rates of progress and in other subjects PASS Progress made in English and Maths and other subjects 3 Sub levels progress in a year in at least one of Reading, Writing and Maths and at least 2 levels progress in other areas 3 Sub levels progress in a year in at least one of Reading, Writing or Maths and at least 2 sub levels progress in other areas 2 Sub levels progress in a year in Reading, Writing and Maths 1 sub levels progress in a year in Reading, Writing and Maths.
  11. Employers demand that young people, entering a tough 21st century

    labour market, are better equipped with the skills to be successful in any job or career. The journey must begin before young people enter the workplace, in fact, before they enter secondary school. MIDBAC recognises the wide range of effective approaches that already exist, encouraging the best practice that explicitly build skills for learning, skills for employment and skills for life. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 Team Work and Leadership Presentation Skills Problem Solving Learning to Learn Applied Literacy Applied Numeracy PASS SEAL (Social and Emotional Literacy) Building Learning Power ASDAN Stepping Stones
  12. MIDBAC identifies seven areas of learning and achievement that build

    competence and character, leading to a whole education experience. Contextualised learning within and beyond the formal curriculum is acknowledged and celebrated. The power of learning beyond the classroom cannot be ignored. MIDBAC will support and enable accelerated progress in literacy and numeracy through the mutual development and sharing of world class applied learning resources. MIDBAC is not prescriptive regarding other elements of the curriculum, such as PSHE and RE. It is for schools to decide content and format, reflective of the needs of learners and the ethos of the school. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  13. Learners are encouraged to develop self-manage skills where possible, tapping

    into the power of informal learning to supplement and complement formal teaching and learning. The Honours programme also supplies contexts through which personal skills can be identified, practiced and developed. Practitioners should help learners identify the experiences that best provide the context to develop specific skills (e.g. Personal Challenge => playing regularly for a team => grow teamwork and leadership skills) Experiences and Skills that build the 21st Century Learner MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  14. Being Literate and being numerate should be perceived as basic

    human rights. Real experiences provide an ideal environment to grow literacy and numeracy, through application rather than simulation. Experiences that build competency in Literacy and Numeracy MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  15. Midbac recognises that the 21st Century learner has to be

    fluent in the creation and application of digital resources. This can be supported through a wide range of learning contexts MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  16. The 21st Century learner needs to appreciate their place in

    a global community. This includes the study of foreign languages and cultures, and a developed sense of internationalism. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 Find out about festivals and different celebrations in different cultures and different parts of the world Learn twenty new words from a language of your choice. Use pictures, sounds and movements to learn the words better. Get a friend to test you. Find out about foods from different countries
  17. Enterprise capability can be defined as innovation, creativity, risk-management and

    risk-taking, and a can do attitude and the drive to make ideas happen. Young learners also need to know “what influences choice and how money is spent”. Real challenges and experiences are the best way to learn enterprise and financial knowledge and capability MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 Enterprise Education in Primary Schools 2011 www.enterprisevillage.org.uk/download_file/1116/
  18. An understanding of we people work and the jobs they

    do, exploring future possibilities and career planning are critical experiences, given the flux and change anticipated in 21st century employment patterns. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  19. Opportunities to serve others, and/or show awareness of community issues,

    needs, problems and solutions MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  20. Opportunities to build character and confidence, to encourage learners to

    “step outside their comfort zone”, in a variety of possible contexts MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 Add notes here
  21. Opportunities for a learner to demonstrate independence and sustained commitment

    through investigating something that interests them, and then go on to produce a single piece of work that represents their findings. This is seen as excellent developmental preparation for an increased emphasis on written terminal assessment in the new GCSEs and GCE A-Levels MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14 LANGUAGES RE DESIGN TECHNOLOGY SPORT and FITNESS LEISURE LOCAL SERVICE
  22. When a centre registers for Modbac, secure e-portfolios are opened

    for every learner. Evidence, such as certificates and awards, testimonials, scans, photographs, demonstration of skills, etc. can be uploaded, verified and signed off by authorised staff. Centres can choose when to issue certificates. They are printed locally, but from electronic templates unique for each learner. MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14
  23. Next steps If you would like to register an expression

    of interest in the Modern Baccalaureate, either as a centre, a provider or a sponsor… or simply would like to know more Please contact: Marius Frank at SCiP5 website w: scip5.net Marius Frank is the National Strategic Co-ordinator for Modern Baccalaureate. Welcome to Modbac! MIDBAC Promoting Progress- Celebrating Achievement 9-14