Cmd+shft+F opens search navigator - Ctrl+6 go to any method - Shft+Command+O - go to any file - option+click shows pop-up info on the type - option+cmd+click goes to the definition in the other pain of a split screen setup - Ctrl+4 navigate the file tree in the project - Cmd+1 show the file navigator - Cmd+] or [ to indent - Cmd + . stops running app - Cmd+alt+enter bring up assistant editor - alt+enter while in file searcher brings up what you choose on the right pane of assistant editor - Cmd+enter closes assistant editor - TODO and FIXME comments show up in the ctrl+6 list - cmd+shft+[ ] to go between tabs - highlight something you want to find then do cmd+E then cmd+G to cycle through the finds - Ctrl+space bring intellisense back up - Cmd+shft+J select file you're currently viewing in the navigator window (like reshaper alt+shft+L) - alt+-> or <- will let you jump through the line of code by parts/words - cmd+ctrl+E change a variable name at all places in the scope - Hold down ⇧ + ⌥ whilst doing an open file action will open move focus window.
inference, var • No longer need semicolons • Can use Obj-C and Swift in the same project. • By default instances can be nil, you have to explicitly set. • More functional language than Obj-C • Generics Section Name