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Life of a Mobile Developer

Life of a Mobile Developer

My short description of a change from Enterprise .NET Office/Cubicle based career to an at-home, Mac + Mobile development career and tools that can help.

Mark Wilkinson

October 21, 2017

More Decks by Mark Wilkinson

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Background • Engineering degree from UofH • Fell into programming

    • Fell in love with it • .NET developer from 2007-2014 • Started iPhone development in 2012
  2. 2 forms this can take You make your own flappy

    bird. You make someone’s invoicing app.
  3. Dealing with new clients. Sized up the second you walk

    in. You’re coming to solve something they can’t. Plethora of dev personalities they have, know what to expect.
  4. Recognition? Ha Their app may take off in the app

    store. You still get paid the same, then move onto the next client. That’s okay, this is what you signed up for.
  5. Examples? Keep having to do CoreData? Be the best at

    it, you’ll be the go to. Love and keep up with Swift? Become the Swift SME in your group.
  6. Get Involved. Keep up with the yearly OS updates, conferences,

    new device features, frameworks. Join the local mobile groups, 3 here in Houston.
  7. Git

  8. Less of a grind when you’re at home, happy, on

    a Mac and making mobile apps.
  9. Paw