I am “mark@10gen.com”, let me in Prove it, here is a random # N Here is F(N, hash(<mypwd>)) Nobody else could know that, welcome back marko! Knows only my password hash Hash never transmitted over the network! Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick
and Security Layer – Framework for building authentication Kerberos – GSSAPI, drivers will be updated – Mixed system.users can work during transition Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick
prove it to mongod to UDP:88 - 2. Here is a TGT Mongod 3. TCP:27017 Here is a Kerberos TGT 4. Welcome, here is a Service Ticket! { user: ”mark@10gen.com", roles: ["readWrite"], userSource: "$external" } Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick Keytab
do much DB Admin: userAdmin DB Admin: clusterAdmin I can add and remove shards DB Accounts: userAdmin I can create new users but I can’t grant them privileges to other DB’s DB App: userAdmin DB App: dbAdmin I can grant privileges to the App DB only I can create indices, set profiling, compact Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick
roles: [ “userAdmin” ] } { user: “george” , usersource: “Accounts” , roles: [ “dbAdmin“ ] , } Each DB’s userAdmin gets to grant privileges separately DB App: dbAdmin I can grant privileges to the App DB only I can create indices, set profiling, compact Credentials from Accounts DB Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick DB App: userAdmin
reflect plans only, and 10gen is under no obligation to include, develop or make available, commercially or otherwise, specific feature discussed a future MongoDB build. Information is provided for general understanding only, and is subject to change at the sole discretion of 10gen in response to changing market conditions, delivery schedules, customer requirements, and/or other factors. Securing your MongoDB Implementation, Mark Hillick