know recipient Does not know sender Decentral data management Smart endpoints and dumb pipes Event: Fact that happened in the past, Immutable fact, 0..n recepients Order Placed Customer status changed Does know event type…
Order Placed Event: Fact, happened in the past, immutable, 0..n recepients Let‘s make our core capability transparent – as a dedicated service Command: Intent, 1 recipient.
Event: Fact, happened in the past, immutable, 0..n recepients Retrieve Payment Command: Intent, 1 recipient. Fetch Goods Ship Goods Order Order Placed Retrieve Payment Does not know sender Just knows command type… Dangerous?
"tasks": [ { "name": "Retrieve Payment", "taskReferenceName": "payment", "type": "SIMPLE", ... Do you prefer coded or graphical DSLs? * BPMN - ISO notation for modeling and executing long-running processes and flows