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Building the School 2.0 - OpenFest Sofia - Mark...

Building the School 2.0 - OpenFest Sofia - Marko Kažić

Марко Кажић

November 04, 2018

More Decks by Марко Кажић

Other Decks in Education


  1. Most of our learning is non-institutional WHERE DO WE LEARN

    “Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” — Isaac Asimov
  2. Social dynamic wrong Isolation as a service Discourages learning for

    life as in living and as in lifelong Academy-first view of the world Cult of the average SCHOOL 1.0 – ISSUES
  3. Offline-first Knowledge is fragmented Proprietery software, if any No common

    shared resource Not agile Doesn’t leverage technology for evaluation Doesn’t adapt/personalize SCHOOL 1.0
  4. ONLINE ≠ ONLINE Online built to mimic offline Decade of

    the internet – 1990s Decade of the OER and Open Access – 2000s Decade of the MOOC – 2010s
  5. ONLINE ≠ ONLINE Online built to mimic offline Decade of

    the internet – 1990s Decade of the OER and Open Access – 2000s Decade of the MOOC – 2010s
  6. OER - ISSUES • mostly academia • quality issues -

    moderation • lack of human interaction between stakeholders • language and/or cultural barriers • discoverability • technology availability & disparity • intellectual property/copyright concerns • sustainability
  7. • bad social dynamic • business model behind it all

    • lack of human interaction between stakeholders • technology availability & disparity • retention MOOC - ISSUES
  8. “Changing education will not require technological advancement, but a tectonic

    change of our existing means and ethics.” A MODEST REVOLUTION
  9. 1. Don’t let education be governed by governments. 2. Don’t

    let education be governed by corporations. 3. Don’t let education be ungoverned because we don’t know any better. ANTHROPOCENTRIC EDUCATION
  10. The struggle for liberating knowledge has proven that it’s easier

    to create corpuses of knowledge that are open and free by default. EDUCATION – A PUBLIC RESOURCE
  11. 1. Free as in freedom, free as in gratis 2.

    Crowdsourced single source of truth 3. Personal and adaptive 4. Meritocratic 5. Biomimetic 6. Universal* SCHOOL 2.0
  12. 1. Governance open and transparent 2. Infrastructure open and common

    3. Schools built as platforms 4. Services and goods leave space for profit and competition. SCHOOL 2.0 – “IDEAL“ IMPLEMENTATION
  13. • Establishing a governing body • Sustainability • Building core

    infrastructure • Licensing • Adoption SCHOOL 2.0 – INTRINSIC CHALLENGES
  14. • Ethics of technology • Access to electricity • Access

    to the internet • Access to personal computing units • Digital literacy SCHOOL 2.0 – EXTRINSIC CHALLENGES
  15. • to build a free corpus of CS knowledge •

    to build free software that could serve as free school infrastructure • to explore platform requirements for a universal school • to test premises regarding sustainability of a free school ZAMPHYR – GOALS
  16. School as a platform Virtual Learning Environment Offline Learning Environment

    Identity Data API Social, continual, peer-to-peer learning Projects (Emulating real environment) ZAMPHYR – FEATURES
  17. 1. Measure outcomes depending on module combinations, order and dynamic

    2. Compile a path from combining factors 3. Spice 4. Everything nice ALGOGENERATED PATHS IMAGINE
  18. • ODF • Virtual machine inside • Runs code in

    the document VM • Document is an autonomous computer SMART DOCUMENTS IMAGINE
  19. • Algogenerated content • Learning companion bots • Augmented social

    engine • Impact analysis • Consensus-dependent evaluation • New digital didactics (i.e. TTS + Echo) MORE IMAGINE
  20. 1. Recruitment/ATS tools 2. Mentoring marketplace 3. Didactic tools 4.

    Analysis tools (Code, skills, teams) 5. Bots, bots, bots BUILD ON ZAMPHYR COMMERCIAL EXAMPLES
  21. Identity service ready Virtual learning environment work in progress Offline

    work in progress Community hub work in progress PROGRESS UPDATE NEXT STEPS
  22. Knowledge exchange of all kinds and shapes Join the translation

    community Help with legal expertise Advocate to government and industry stakeholders JOIN, CHANGE EVERYTHING NEXT STEPS