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Precise study on a SOA-PSA based optical signal...

January 20, 2014

Precise study on a SOA-PSA based optical signal regenerator with numerical analysis


January 20, 2014

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  1. Precise study on a SOA-PSA based optical signal regenerator with

    numerical analysis Uenohara Lab. Masaya Iseki 1/14
  2. Outline 1. Background 2. Research Purpose 3. Results of precise

    study of FWM Ø Nonlinear coefficient Ø Noise Figure 4. Summary 2/14
  3. Background-challenges of signal regenerators- Challenges due to the increase of

    traffic ØIncrease of transmission capacity Introduction of Multilevel-phase modulation necessary ØReduction of power consumption Electronic circuit consume more energy →All-Optical signal processing expected All-optical signal processing for realizing phase and intensity noise suppression Transmitter Receiver Fiber Regenerator Fiber Regenerators are required for long-haul transmission 3/14
  4. Background-Operation of PSA- Phase Sensitive Amplifier Simultaneous intensity and phase

    noise suppression + All-Optical signal processing Transmitter Receiver Fiber Regenerator Fiber I Q I Q I Q Noise Regenerate 4/14 Input[rad] Output[rad] π 2 − π 2 −π π Transfer function
  5. Why SOA-PSA? material HNLF PPLN SOA size × △ ◯

    NF ◯[1] ◯[2] ? Integrability × △ ◯ [1] Wataru Imajuku et al. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECRONICS,VOL. 39, NO.6 JUNE (2003) [2] Masaki Asobe et al. OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest(2013) Highly Non Linear Fiber Periodically Poled LiNbO3 Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Target 5/14
  6. Previous Reports and Challenges Reports • Confirm operation of SOA-PSA

    by experiments OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest © 2013 OSA “Phase Sensitive Signal Processing using Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers” • Analysis of SOA-PSA by simulation 斎藤氏 東工大2013卒 “半導体光増幅器を用いた光信号識別・再生に関する研究” Challenges • Results of experiments differ from that of simulation → Precise simulation model necessary • Simulation of NF indicating potential of SOA-PSA not reported 6/14
  7. Research Purpose Purpose ØPrecise study on a SOA-PSA based optical

    signal regenerator with numerical analysis Target Ø Improvement of analysis accuracy for FWM in SOA with introduction of precise equations of FWM Ø Calculate NF 7/14
  8. Simultaneous Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation+ Rate Equation γ is a function

    of nonlinear coefficient ØTreat γ as a variable not a constant ∂E S ∂z = jγE S E S 2 + 2 jγE S ( E p1 2 + E p2 2 )+ 2 jγE p1 E* S E p2 exp(− jβz)+ j 2 βz d2E S dt2 − j 2 αΓg ms E S + 1 2 g ω E S Precise Study -Introduction of variable γ- 8/14 To Introduce a variable γ, simulation should be more precise ! ∝ !(!)
  9. Precise Study -Nonlinear coefficient- 9 Ref. Haruhiko Kuwata et al.

    IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS VOL.35,NO.12,DECEMBER 1999 Nonlinear coefficient can be divided into the following three factors 1. Carrier Density Pulsation(CDP) 2. Carrier Heating(CH) 3. Spectral Hole Burning(SHB) Carrier Density Pulsation (CDP) is dominant in ∆! < !"!" ∆! = !×!"!! in previous research
  10. Precise Study -Calculate CDP- 10 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015

    10é19 10é18 10é17 10é16 10é15 10é14 Pumpésignal detuning angular frequency 6t (rad/s) |r(3) CDP | (m2/V2) 3.0× 1024 (mé3) 1.0× 1024 (mé3) 2.0× 1024 (mé3) 10× 1024 (mé3)
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    11 x 1024 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 x 105 Carrier Density (mé3) Nonlinear Coefficient a (mé1Wé1) Precise Study -Calculate Nonlinear Coefficient- 11 Previous value Calculated value ×10.0
  12. Precise Study -Calculate Noise Figure- 12 NF = SNR in

    SNR out =10log( S in N in )−10log( S out N out ) The reasons of noise in SOA 1. ASE noise. 2. Amplification of noise. NF = 4.01[dB]
  13. Summary I explained the results that precise study of FWM

    in SOA. ØNonlinear coefficient is improved introducing principled equation. ØCalculation result of NF is 4.01[dB] 13/14
  14. Near Future Plan • Calculate FWM using calculated gamma •

    Calculate NF using calculated gamma 14