end side, if you feel you are too big, please don’t read this slide. • This slide may contain subjective perception from the author, if you have different thinking please don’t let me know .
• HTML is skeleton for Website. • Browser can easy translate HTML code into Website. • Building HTML is like playing “Tetris Puzzle” game. • We need recognize what is component that fit in the any place in our website. • So, its important to every beginner to know how HTML works and the components inside it.
first line of code : <!DOCTYPE html> • Every elements represented by tags that have open tag and close tag. • We can start with <html></html> than we can start our HTML code. • There is head tag contain our website identity like title, favicon and metatag. • In head tag usually we will load our external resources that needed immediately like CSS and critical script. • In body tag we will write our “real” HTML structure. • Before closing of body tag usually use for load external resources that needed after all structure loaded like script tag.
in the start tag • Usually come with key and value <input type=“text” /> <a href=“www.google.com”>google</a> <img src=“/images.png” title=“I am Image” />
side or sidebar can block <aside> • Menu or navigation use block <nav> • Wrap your content in <article> • Sub of your content or anything can use <section> • For common usage just use <div>
tag, for header row wrap with <thead>, for content of table wrap with <tbody> • Row in table use <tr> • For each column use <td> exclude header column that use <th> • Use attribute rowspan=“n”, colspan=“n” for merge row or column.
bullet using attribute list-style-type • Ordered List have tag <ol></ol>, change style of number using attribute type • Its child using tag <li></li>. • NOT always used for something that horizontal arrange. • Choose when need to play with its siblings element.
depend on its needed. • Every user input will bring its own function and standard style that depend with browser. • Differentiate input with attribute type. ex: text, password, email, number, tel, date, range, etc. • Use type=“radio” when you want user select only one from your option, and type=“checkbox” if you need multiple selection. • Input with type=“submit” will trigger your form to be submitted.
place. • Because HTML is core of website structure, a better understanding will help you to build your website better. • Never underestimate with basic knowledge, every good developer start from good knowledge in basic things. • Sharing a basic thing will not decrease your level. • For every new comer, don’t give up too fast if you haven’t give harder effort.
o Linkedin : /in/irfanmaulanamazipan o Slideshare : /IrfanMaulana21 o Github : mazipan o Email : mazipanneh@gmail.com o Blog : mazipanneh , mazipan.github.io