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True Identity 3

March 28, 2021

True Identity 3


March 28, 2021


  1. 5 “For You have made him a little lower than

    the angels,” PSALMS 8:5 NKJV
  2. 6 “You have made him to have dominion over the

    works of Your hands; PSALMS 8:6 NKJV
  3. Then some people think to highly of themselves – that

    is called narcisism– an over inflated ego.
  4. But when you stop to truly think about who we

    are as humans it can be staggering.
  5. In all of creation, we seem to be little tiny

    specks in the great expanse of the awe inspiring cosmos.
  6. Many of us have stared into space, or been on

    a mountain top and asked the question, “In all of this – what am I.”
  7. Many of us have stared into space, or been on

    a mountain top and asked the question, “In all of this – what am I.”
  8. Many of us have stared into space, or been on

    a mountain top and asked the question, “In all of this – what am I.”
  9. We have an image, a position and a place far

    above anything else, including the angels.
  10. That is hard for us little humans to fathom, but

    we are made in such a way that only us humans can do.
  11. This realization as David understands our human position above all

    other creation and before God causes his outburst of -
  12. We were made as God’s crowning achievement yet we distorted

    this position and we are placed back in the right position by Jesus…
  13. Because of that, we need to remember our position… that

    we are infinitely valuable to God, that He loved us so much that He died for us.
  14. 1 “For then you will represent your Father as His

    beloved sons and daughters.” EPHESIANS 5:1 TPT
  15. We are to be like God and God is love

    – God’s love is an agape love.
  16. We are to be like God and God is love

    – God’s love is an agape love.
  17. ROMANS 5:8 TPT “By dying in our place while we

    were still lost and ungodly!”
  18. PROVERBS 16:9 AMP 9 “A man’s mind plans his way

    [as he journeys through life],”
  19. PROVERBS 16:1 To man belong the plans of the heart,

    but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.
  20. PROVERBS 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course,

    but the LORD determines his steps.
  21. PROVERBS 19:21 Many are the plans in a man’s heart,

    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
  22. PSALM 20:4 May He give you the desire of your

    heart (put the desires in your heart) and make all your plans succeed.
  23. JOB 5:12 He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so

    that their hands achieve no success.
  24. ISAIAH 8:10 Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted;

    propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.
  25. PROVERBS 21:30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan

    that can succeed against the LORD.
  26. ISAIAH 14:26 NLT 26 I have a plan for the

    whole earth, a hand of judgment upon all the nations.”
  27. ISAIAH 14:27 NLT 27 “Who can change His plans? When

    His hand is raised, who can stop him?”
  28. EPHESIANS 2:10 AMP 10 “For we are His workmanship [His

    own master work, a work of art],”
  29. You aren’t alone, many people go through life feeling discouraged

    about themselves and thinking they don’t have a purpose in life, but that’s not true.
  30. So many people look for meaning in “things” - the

    car they drive, the neighborhood they live in, the memberships they hold, the offices they fill.
  31. A thrilling adventure to uncover who we are and what

    God has called us and uniquely gifted us to do.
  32. He says this is the whole duty of man. Notice

    the word “duty” is in quotation marks. That means that it was supplied to help us understand the passage.
  33. Those who fear God, who serve him, and who enjoy

    life every day are the happiest people on earth
  34. Because they know that whether rich or poor, whether a

    blue collar garbage collector or a white collar brain surgeon
  35. when we are serving God faithfully, we have all the

    meaning and purpose in life we could ever ask for.
  36. “The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The

    work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.” (David Viscott)
  37. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God created man

    and that He created him for His glory.
  38. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God created man

    and that He created him for His glory.
  39. We fulfill our purpose of glorifying God also by living

    our lives in relationship and faithful service to Him.
  40. Then they moved to another German city, and the father

    announced that they would no longer practice their Jewish faith but would join the Lutheran church.
  41. The young boy was very surprised and asked his father

    why the family was joining the Lutheran church.
  42. There are so many Lutherans in this town that I

    can make good business contacts at the Lutheran church.
  43. It will be good for business. That young boy, who

    had had such a deep interest in religion, became disillusioned.
  44. He thought his father had no real convictions. The incident

    helped to turn him against religion with a vengeance.
  45. TRUE IDENTITY & MEANING IN LIFE Is not found in

    what the world considers important.