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Called & Appointed (2)

March 07, 2021

Called & Appointed (2)


March 07, 2021


  1. 13 “Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to

    Him those He wanted, and they came to Him.” MARK 3:13 NIV
  2. 14 “He appointed twelve that they might be with Him

    and that he might send them out to preach.” MARK 3:14 NIV
  3. The first thing, was to invest their time getting to

    know who He was and what He was all about.
  4. This group was going to be with Him and get

    to know him in a much deeper way.
  5. But then after they got to know Him, He was

    going to send them out to do a job.
  6. The job for them was to preach and to have

    authority to drive out demons.
  7. 14 “He appointed twelve that they might be with Him

    and that he might send them out to preach.” MARK 3:14 NIV
  8. A disciple of Christ is a person who accepts, believes,

    convinced and follows Him as Lord.
  9. A disciple of Christ is a person who accepts, believes,

    convinced and follows Him as Lord.
  10. The primary intention of Jesus in selecting disciples is for

    the purpose of fellowship and relationship.
  11. There may be many activities and roles for a disciple

    of Christ to play in the church however,
  12. The starting point of Christian discipleship making must always be

    responding and developing a relationship with the Lord.
  13. 14 “Now, may the grace and joyous favor of the

    Lord Jesus Christ, the unambiguous love of God,” 2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 TPT
  14. 14 “…And the precious communion that we share in the

    Holy Spirit be yours continually. Amen!" 2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 TPT
  15. Paul in his benedictions frequently calls for the grace of

    the Lord Jesus Christ and his fellowship to be upon the disciples.
  16. One of the primary task of disciples and those in

    the ministry of making disciples is to develop the deep sense of love to be with the Lord.
  17. One of the primary task of disciples and those in

    the ministry of making disciples is to develop the deep sense of love to be with the Lord.
  18. A disciple must not be ashamed to associate with the

    Lord and other people who have also responded to the invitation to become his disciples.
  19. Those in the ministry of discipleship-making must always pay attention

    to the development of the relationship and constant fellowship with the Lord and his church.
  20. Disciples must desire not only to be in relationship with

    the Lord but also to grow in fellowship with the Lord.
  21. The strength and quality of a person’s Christian spirituality is

    actually determined by how close that individual has been with the Lord.
  22. As they spend time with the Lord a disciple of

    Christ is expected to be transformed into the image of the Lord who invites them into relationship.
  23. As they spend time with the Lord a disciple of

    Christ is expected to be transformed into the image of the Lord who invites them into relationship.
  24. 16 “For you see, even though I proclaim the good

    news, I can’t take the credit for my labors,” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  25. 16 “…For I am agony compelled to fulfill my duty

    by completing this work.” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  26. 16 “It would be to me if I did not

    constantly preach the gospel!” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  27. 17 “If it were my own idea to preach as

    a way to make a living, I would expect to be paid.” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:17 TPT
  28. 17 “I am entrusted with the stewardship of the gospel

    whether or not I’m paid.” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:17 TPT
  29. 18 “So then, where is my reward? It is found

    in continually depositing the good news into people’s hearts,” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:18 TPT
  30. 18 “…without obligation, free of charge, and not insisting on

    my rights to be financially supported.” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:18 TPT

  32. It is called the “Gospel of the Kingdom of God”,

    the “Gospel of the Grace of God”, the “Gospel of God”, the “Gospel of Christ”, the “glorious Gospel” and the “Everlasting Gospel”.
  33. When Paul declares, “For though I preach the Gospel…” he

    is referring to his compulsion to preach the Gospel.
  34. Being a preacher of the Gospel was no reason for

    him to glory more than a Lawyer or Doctor is a reason for them to glory.
  35. He was compelled to preach, he did not have a

    choice—he could not negotiate with God by asking Him, “What’s in for me?”
  36. Paul wants to make it clear that he does not

    preach for his own benefit.
  37. Paul wants to make it clear that he does not

    preach for his own benefit.
  38. The gospel is his priority, Paul felt compelled to preach.

    it was his duty and all he wanted to do was preach the Gospel in the way God would have him preached it
  39. Look how serious Paul took his accountability of preaching the

    Gospel as he says, “…woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”
  40. All preachers especially pastors are accountable to God, and all

    Believers regardless of their position in the Church are accountable to God too.
  41. All preachers especially pastors are accountable to God, and all

    Believers regardless of their position in the Church are accountable to God too.
  42. The call to preach is an awesome responsibility, God placed

    His Gospel into his hands and how he treated it was extremely serious.
  43. Paul enjoyed the privilege of seeing people saved free of

    charge, and the confidence of people in him, because he was free of greed—for Paul there was a removal of any charge that he was only in it for the money.
  44. The preacher, not money’s preacher, but God’s preacher should constantly

    search his heart and make sure his heart is pure and cleansed of any wrong motive.
  45. Let him be found blameless, it doesn’t that they won’t

    try to blame him—but that when they do, he will be found blameless.
  46. 20 “So we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God

    were making His appeal through us; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 AMP
  47. 20 “…We [as Christ’s representatives] plead with you on behalf

    of Christ to be reconciled to God. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 AMP
  48. 21 “He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially]

    be sin on our behalf, ..” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 AMP
  49. 21 “So that in Him we would become the righteousness

    of God…” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 AMP
  50. 21 “[that is, we would be made acceptable to Him

    and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness]. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 AMP
  51. -Usually highly respected individuals as Ambassador at Large who are

    assigned specific responsibilities and they work to advise and assist their governments in a given area.
  52. -Usually highly respected individuals as Ambassador at Large who are

    assigned specific responsibilities and they work to advise and assist their governments in a given area.
  53. -An ambassador is the Second highest ranking Diplomat who represents

    their country. {First being the Highest Ranking Official in the Country}...
  54. 12 “He has taken our sins away from us as

    far as the east is from west.” PSALM 103:12 NCV
  55. As an Ambassador for Christ, our greatest responsibility would be

    to commission the Ministry of Reconciliation.
  56. As an Ambassador for Christ, our greatest responsibility would be

    to commission the Ministry of Reconciliation.
  57. He is asking us as Ambassadors for Christ to tell

    other about this reconciliation ministry.
  58. To make it our duty, make it our responsibility, make

    it our hobby, but take it seriously! For lives are at stake!
  59. God’s Ministry of Reconciliation, causes His Son Jesus Christ to

    die for our sins that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
  60. Someone who is willing to stand up for God, someone

    who is holy, someone who is willing to bear much fruits
  61. And most of all, someone who love Him so much

    as to be willing to turn their life into a ministry. and carry on the Ministry of reconciliation.
  62. God is searching for some Ambassadors-people whom He can sit

    back and boast to His angel about and say to the effect “Look at them, they are Ambassadors for Christ.”
  63. Once upon a time there was a great kingdom, so

    great that it was ruled by a Father and a son.
  64. Once upon a time there was a great kingdom, so

    great that it was ruled by a Father and a son.
  65. Once upon a time there was a great kingdom, so

    great that it was ruled by a Father and a son.
  66. But through the course of time the Father and son

    began to argue until soon the kingdom was divided.
  67. One day as the men of both sides began to

    prepare for battle, the Father sent for his servant.
  68. He empowered the servant as an ambassador to go and

    tell his son that he loved him and forgave him if he would only come to him and reconcile.
  69. He empowered the servant as an ambassador to go and

    tell his son that he loved him and forgave him if he would only come to him and reconcile.
  70. The king told the servant to go in haste before

    any fighting might break out.
  71. Unfortunately the servant was slothful and as he traveled he

    met some of his friends who asked him to stop and rest himself before he finished his journey.
  72. What he didn’t know while he sleeps, two armies who

    did not receive the message was quickly attacking the kingdom.
  73. It came finally to the point that the Son and

    Father would meet and the son not knowing the Father’s heart attacked him suddenly.
  74. With no choice the Father in thought for his life

    slew his son, and as he held him near his death the Father cried did you not know I had forgiven you?
  75. Or are we only using as a pillow as we

    appease our slothful lifestyles?