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True Identity 2

March 21, 2021

True Identity 2


March 21, 2021


  1. GENESIS 1:26 AMP AMP “Then God said, Let Us (Father,

    Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image,”
  2. GENESIS 1:26 AMP AMP “According to Our likeness [not physical,

    but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]”
  3. GENESIS 1:26 AMP AMP “And let them have complete authority

    over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle,”
  4. GENESIS 1:26 AMP “And over the entire earth, and over

    everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.”
  5. “In the image and likeness of God He created him;

    male and female He created them.” GENESIS 1:27 AMP
  6. PSALM 139:13 NLT “You made all the delicate, inner parts

    of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
  7. just because we are not based on function, but because

    we’re made in the image of God.
  8. All creation has the fingerprint of God on it, but

    only Humanity has the image of God on him.
  9. \

  10. But simply because God created them. No matter how tarnished

    they are, His image is still on them.
  11. PSALM 139:15 TPT 15 “You even formed every bone in

    my body when you created me in the secret place,”
  12. PSALM 139:16 TPT 16 “Before I’d ever seen the light

    of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book.”
  13. JEREMIAH 1:5 KJV 5 “He said to Jeremiah "Before I

    formed thee in the belly I knew thee;"
  14. JEREMIAH 1:5 KJV 5 “And before thou camest forth out

    of the womb I sanctified thee..."
  15. Before we were even conceived, God had a plan for

    our lives. He created us to become what He desired.
  16. Well, your parents may not have planned you, you may

    have been a surprise, but you are not an accident!
  17. Not only are we valuable to God as a large

    group of children, as one of many He cares about, we are individually important!
  18. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  19. Christ taught us that not one sparrow falls from the

    sky but God sees it. He cares for even the lilies of the field.
  20. Christ said that the Father knows us so well that

    the very hairs of our head are numbered!
  21. The Bible says that God sees us when we are

    in our mother's womb, and that our good shepherd Jesus calls us by name!
  22. Human life is valuable because it was planned by God

    and as we move farther we will see that not only was your life planned by God.
  23. GENESIS 1:26A NKJV 26 “Then God said, Let Us make

    man in Our image, according to Our likeness;...”
  24. Just as God was intimately involved in the creation of

    Adam and Eve, He was involved in creating you!
  25. PSALM 139:13 NLT 13 “You made all the delicate, inner

    parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
  26. You did not evolve from some monkey, you are personally

    fashioned in the womb as a beautiful work of God.
  27. PSALM 139:15 NLT 15 “You watched me as I was

    being formed in utter seclusion,”
  28. THIS IS A PRECISE WORK David speaks of being "curiously

    wrought in the lowest parts of the earth".
  29. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  30. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  31. The "lowest parts of the earth" is a poetic term

    that describes the mother's womb.
  32. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  33. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  34. Even scientists and doctors tell us that we all have

    our own unique DNA and fingerprints.
  35. The people of this world may look at you as

    being worthless, but God places great value on your life!
  36. And since He is the One Who gives life, He

    is the only One with the authority to take life.
  37. PSALM 139:16 NLT “16 You saw me before I was

    born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.”
  38. PSALM 139:17 NLT 17 “How precious are your thoughts about

    me, O God. They cannot be numbered!”
  39. PSALM 139:18 NLT 18 “I can’t even count them; they

    outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!”
  40. The idea here is that God lovingly and skillfully weaves

    together various parts to make a beautiful product.
  41. He stated that it was impossible to count God's blessings

    in his life because they outnumber the grains of sand upon the earth.
  42. There is no way for us to comprehend all the

    thoughts that God has for us.
  43. So being that He values you so much, is there

    wisdom in finally giving your heart and whole life to Him?
  44. We are valuable enough that He took a process of

    over four thousand years to put together His word of sixty-six books by forty authors detailing His steadfast and unchanging love for mankind.
  45. We are valuable enough that He took a process of

    over four thousand years to put together His word of sixty-six books by forty authors detailing His steadfast and unchanging love for mankind.
  46. If a king or a president were to give you

    their endorsement, as an extremely valuable member of their society, that would carry a lot of weight.
  47. We would think "Wow, I'm something special"! Well the creator

    of the universe, The King of all creation is saying:
  48. ”You are valuable to me, and a valuable member of

    my kingdom, and a valuable member of my family!"
  49. Our value and Identity is based on the endorsement of

    the highest possible entity in the universe!
  50. We are valuable to God because not only is He

    saying we are valuable by extending our life and wanting us to live forever with Him,
  51. (1st John 3:1) says "Behold what manner of love is

    this that we might be called the Sons of God"!
  52. If we were the son of an earthly king we

    would be called a prince and an heir to the throne and all of its riches!
  53. In God we are according to (Revelation 1:6) Kings and

    priests to the kingdom of God by Jesus' Christ!
  54. But as the Sons and Daughters of the Creator of

    the Universe we are not only valuable we are very valuable!