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Melanie Riojas

August 26, 2024

More Decks by Melanie Riojas

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  1. 1a. Est. Shot - Wide Shot - Pedestal Down 1b.

    Dolly In 1f. Dolly In - MCU MOM (O.S.): Kids! Come get your... juice boxes MOM (O.S.) (Cont’d) : ...juice boxes 2c. Full Shot KIDS (O.S.) (Further away): YAY!/ I want grape!/ YES!/ Beat you! 1c. 1d. 1e. 1g. 2. 2b. 2d. 2e.
  2. 3. POV 5. CU 7. Full Shot 8a. POV -

    Pan Left 9a.Full Shot KIDS (O.S.) (closer): laughing/shouting 2f. 4 8b. POV - Pan Left 8c. POV - Pan Left 8d. POV - Pan Left 9b. 9c.
  3. 10. MCU 11a. Full Shot - Truck Right 13a. Angle

    Behind - CU 18. Wide Shot 15. POV 17. Angle Behind - Full Shot KIDS (O.S.) (closer): laughing/shouting 11b. 12 13b. 13c. 14. 16.
  4. 20. Wide Shot - Slow Motion 21. Angle Below -

    Slow Motion 22. Angle Behind - Slow Motion Ends <THUD> <HEAVY BREATHING> <HEAVY BREATHING> 24. POV <SLURP> 23c. MCU KIDS (O.S.) (at table): This ones mine!/ Grape!/ KIDS (O.S.) (cont’d): Hey! I didn’t get one! MOM (O.S.): Hold on. Let me check the cooler. <Cooler Lid Scrapping> 23a. CU 19a. 19b. 19c. 23b. 23d. MCU