in unsigned long + picamera.start_recording (mjpeg) Sends image data from daytime camera through TCP connections Sends Image data from night camera through TCP connections
home - Intermediate server definitely solved this! I chose ConoHa this time. - Bought a router brand new, which is super cool :) - Sending to VPS (ConoHa) using picamera on Python 3
Equipped with MU-MIMO Technologies High speed connections for multiple devices. Concentrated connections to destination devices by “AiRader” Technology. This Wi-Fi router is capable of delivering electromagnetic wave to the entire home because its covering area is very large.
investigated H.264 but its latency increases by 5 sec via ffmpeg. Thus, I chose mjpeg. - Keeps connected in MIME type multipart/x-mixed-replace. - (The browser continuously indicates the page is being loaded) - Latency appears to be roughly 0.5 sec - Renders smoothly.
install because of unnecessity of --enable-maintainer- zts when building. - I pray to Swoole so Atomic can accept at least serializable values. - I’m using Channel instead of Atomic.