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Configuring Your Dev Environment

Configuring Your Dev Environment

Configure your dev environment using bash, sublime text 2, autojump, and size up.

Max Miller

May 06, 2014

Other Decks in Programming


  1. INTRODUCTION 3 ! As a developer, you’re only as productive

    as the tools you use to do your job. Own your toolkit, don’t let it own you.
  2. 5 First, Some Vocabulary Shell: the program that takes your

    commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform (ex. Bash, zShell) ! Terminal: the graphical interface to your shell (ex. Terminal, iTerm)
  3. If you’re using Bash, configurations for your shell should be

    stored in a file called ~/.bash_profile, which is loaded every time you open your terminal. (Additional configs can be saved in ~/.bashrc.) ! Type ‘echo $SHELL’ to verify that Bash is your shell. 6 Config Files
  4. ‣ Primary and secondary prompts ‣ Colors ‣ Alias commands

    ‣ Git information ‣ Autocomplete ‣ And more… 6 What Can I Configure?
  5. 5 What is it? Autojump is a command that allows

    you to easily navigate directories from the command line. ! I’m basically obsessed with it.
  6. 5 How to install ‣ Install: brew install autojump ‣

    Add this to your .bash_profile: [[ -s `brew -- prefix`/etc/autojump.sh ]] && . `brew -- prefix`/etc/autojump.sh ‣ Cd to a particular directory ‣ In the future, type ‘j directory_name’ to access that directory
  7. 5 User Settings ‣ Setting can be changed in Preferences

    / Settings - User ‣ List of options here: http://sublime-text- unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/ latest/reference/settings.html
  8. 5 Essential Shortcuts ‣ Cmd + T: Search for files

    ‣ Cmd + Shiſt + F: Find in all files ‣ Cmd + D: Select all instances of word ‣ Ctrl + Cmd + Up/Down: Move line up or down ‣ Shiſt + Ctrl + K: Delete line ‣ Cmd + K+ U: Uppercase word ‣ Cmd + Opt + 2: Split window into 2 panes ‣ Cmd + Shiſt + P: Open Command Prompt
  9. 5 Packages ‣ Packages are plugins that you can download

    to add functionality to your sublime editor ‣ You search for an install packages through the Sublime command prompt ‣ First, install Package Control: https:// sublime.wbond.net/installation#st2
  10. 5 My Favorite Packages ‣ Git ‣ GitGutter ‣ Emmet

    ‣ Markdown Editing ‣ Syntax Highlighting ‣ Tomorrow Night Theme
  11. 5 Stop dragging around your windows! Seriously. ‣ Only noobs

    resize their windows manually with their cursors. ‣ SizeUp gives you keyboard commands to automatically do this for you. ‣ Download: https:// www.irradiatedsoſtware.com/sizeup/