commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform (ex. Bash, zShell) ! Terminal: the graphical interface to your shell (ex. Terminal, iTerm)
stored in a file called ~/.bash_profile, which is loaded every time you open your terminal. (Additional configs can be saved in ~/.bashrc.) ! Type ‘echo $SHELL’ to verify that Bash is your shell. 6 Config Files
Add this to your .bash_profile: [[ -s `brew -- prefix`/etc/ ]] && . `brew -- prefix`/etc/ ‣ Cd to a particular directory ‣ In the future, type ‘j directory_name’ to access that directory
‣ Cmd + Shiſt + F: Find in all files ‣ Cmd + D: Select all instances of word ‣ Ctrl + Cmd + Up/Down: Move line up or down ‣ Shiſt + Ctrl + K: Delete line ‣ Cmd + K+ U: Uppercase word ‣ Cmd + Opt + 2: Split window into 2 panes ‣ Cmd + Shiſt + P: Open Command Prompt
to add functionality to your sublime editor ‣ You search for an install packages through the Sublime command prompt ‣ First, install Package Control: https://
resize their windows manually with their cursors. ‣ SizeUp gives you keyboard commands to automatically do this for you. ‣ Download: https:// www.irradiatedsoſ