which is either a combination of spirits, or one or more spirits mixed with other ingredients such as fruit juice, flavored syrup, or cream. Sweet vermouth Gin Campari Cognac Cointreau Lime juice Lemon juice Simple syrup Saline solution Tequila 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 Negroni Sidecar Margarita Which ingredients? What ratios to mix?
dilution, and there is no dilution without chilling. Corollary 2: shape of ice doesn’t matter Corollary 1: use a food thermometer to reproduce the perfect cocktail Corollary 3: don’t use plastic ice cubes heat capacity ice: 2.03 J/(g·K) enthalpy of fusion 333.55 J/g heat capacity water: 4.18 J/(g·K)
to an inner product in an implied Hilbert space. k h (x), (x0)i H X H k(x, x′ ) = ⟨ϕ(x), ϕ(x′ )⟩ℋ feature map characterizing a datapoint in a high-dimensional space e.g. mixer described by alcohol %, sugar content, acidity… kernel PCA is a way to look into this space
mean embedding Kernel mean embedding in injective for many kernels, i.e., embedding retains all information on the distribution! μ = ∑ i βi ϕ(xi ) Cognac Cointreau Lemon juice Simple syrup 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 ϕ ℋ Represent a probability distribution as a weighted sum in the Hilbert space. embedding of mixer i volume fraction of mixer i cocktail embedding
i=1 βi ϕ(xi )||2 + λ ⋅ |β| 0 Given a liquor cabinet of N mixers x1,…, xN , select a subset of mixers and find the mixing ratio vector β to obtain a cocktail similar to embedding μ. zero-norm, i.e. number of nonzero entries: induces sparsity match between suggested cocktail and embedding Very hard problem: NP complete Similar to the knapsack problem Moral: determining the quantities in a recipe is easy, constructing a recipe from scratch is hard!
data science! • Kernel mean embedding is a promising way of modelling compositional data. • Link to more ‘serious’ applications: growth medium formulation, recipe adaptation, ecosystems management, pharmaceuticals…
Schölkopf, B. (2017). Kernel mean embedding of distributions: a review and beyond. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 10(1–2), 1–141. Retrieved from https:// arxiv.org/pdf/1605.09522.pdf Kanagawa, M., Hennig, P., Sejdinovic, D., & Sriperumbudur, B. K. (2018). Gaussian Processes and kernel methods: a review on connections and equivalences. Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1807.02582 Van Hauwermeiren, D., Stock, M., Beer, T. De, & Nopens, I. (2020). Predicting pharmaceutical particle size distributions using kernel mean embedding. Pharmaceutics 2020, Vol. 12, Page 271, 12(3), 271. https://doi.org/10.3390/ PHARMACEUTICS12030271