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Social media as a platform for participatory de...

Lill R
August 16, 2012

Social media as a platform for participatory design

A talk about my published paper for the Participatory Design Conference 2012 in Roskilde. I reflect on my research on using Social media as a platform for executing a Participatory design process, and how this process raised questions of emancipation, silence, and degrees of participation.

Lill R

August 16, 2012

More Decks by Lill R

Other Decks in Research


  1. Social Media Participatory Design as a platform for Lill Francis

    Reyes & Sisse Finken Dept. of informatics, University of Oslo PDC2012
  2. Why translate methods? Translating a traditional method and letting it

    unfold online can give new value to both the method, and Social Media
  3. Translations Letting the method unfold in the online setting by

    using the resources enabled by Social Media
  4. Facilitation ” I feel a bit like an amateur compared

    to the others” (e-mail from participant)
  5. Degrees of participation ”I haven’t contributed with anything yet, but

    I have been reading the comments and contributions on my mobile phone while on the tram” (Random meeting with partiticpant)
  6. Ethical issues ”I felt a bit stressed out from all

    the commenting” (Interview with participant)