region. ・In HSV correction optimization, I was able to increase the saliency of the specified area while maintaining the original image to some extent by dividing the image by superpixels. ・Blurring was able to reduce saliency. ・In the future, we would like to develop our research into the selection of appropriate filters and saliency optimization for video. 17 Conclusion References [1] 上向 俊晃・小峯 一晃・森田 寿哉, 動画像コンテンツにおける注視点マップと顕著性マップとの関係性に関する考察, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集 第8巻 第3号, 2009-08-20 [2] Xiaodi Hou・Liqing Zhang, Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach, 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition [3] Optuna, [4]