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Boston 2013 - R Workshop - Dr. Neil J. Gunther

March 29, 2013

Boston 2013 - R Workshop - Dr. Neil J. Gunther


March 29, 2013


  1. Quick Tour of R Neil Gunther Performance Dynamics Monitorama Workshop

    Boston, March 29 2013 SM c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 1 / 50
  2. General Help Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time is

    It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 2 / 50
  3. General Help General Help help.start() The most general help documentation

    can be obtained by issuing the following command in the R Console: > help.start() which will launch a local HTML document in your browser. help.911() Launches this guide. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 3 / 50
  4. General Help What version of R? > version _ platform

    i386-apple-darwin9.8.0 arch i386 os darwin9.8.0 system i386, darwin9.8.0 status major 2 minor 15.2 year 2012 month 10 day 26 svn rev 61015 language R version.string R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) nickname Trick or Treat c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 4 / 50
  5. General Help What hardware is this? The Mac OS X

    command is: > system("system_profiler SPHardwareDataType") Hardware: Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Model Identifier: MacBook5,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache: 3 MB Memory: 4 GB Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz Boot ROM Version: MB51.007D.B03 SMC Version (system): 1.32f8 Serial Number (system): W88510GB1AX Hardware UUID: 5D89EC54-315D-5B7B-947D-5DA1757C8E0D Sudden Motion Sensor: State: Enabled c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 5 / 50
  6. What Time is It? Outline 1 General Help 2 What

    Time is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 6 / 50
  7. What Time is It? What Time is It? Timestamps are

    critical to the discipline of doing any kind of analysis. The data and time are most easily accessed using the command: > date() [1] "Sun Dec 18 11:36:43 2011" In a similar vein, it is recommended that you include both creation and update timestamps as comments in your R scripts. This can be done simply via copy/pasting the output of date into your R script. # Created by NJG on Fri Jul 22 11:06:44 2011 # Updated by NJG on Mon Dec 19 10:51:43 2011 In addition, there are more explicit functions: > Sys.time() [1] "2012-01-11 11:31:27 PST" > Sys.Date() [1] "2012-01-11" c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 7 / 50
  8. What Time is It? UNIX time Often it is necessary

    to make timestamp formats POSIX compliant. The following two functions are useful in this respect. 1 Convert to POSIX time: date2posix <- function(datetime, format="%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") { as.POSIXct(strptime(datetime,format=format)) } 2 Extract hours for plotting: HrsInDay <- function(x){ .base <- unclass(as.POSIXct(trunc.POSIXt(x[1], units=’day’))) (unclass(x) - .base) / 3600 # convert to hours } Example (Application) > df$posix <- date2posix(paste(df$date, df$time)) > df$hours <- HrsInDay(df$posix) c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 8 / 50
  9. What Time is It? Time zones The Greenwich Mean Time

    (GMT) reference, at zero longitude, is also called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Retrieving and converting TZ data can be very tricky because of O/S specifics. Example (Convert PST to AEST) > pst <- Sys.time() > pst [1] "2012-01-11 11:53:38 PST" > format(pst, tz="Australia/Melbourne",usetz=TRUE) [1] "2012-01-12 06:53:38 EST" Knowing that “Australia/Melbourne” is the correct TZ string, comes from grepping the TZ table on Mac OS X: [njg]~% cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | grep -i "melbourne" AU -3749+14458 Australia/Melbourne Victoria For more details see: Timezones Converting time zones Remark In Example 2, the nomenclature “EST” is ambiguous. It should be “AEST” to distinguish it from USA eastern standard time. Moreover, it should be “AEDT” since Australia is on daylight time during this c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 9 / 50
  10. Clear the Console Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time

    is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 10 / 50
  11. Clear the Console Clear the Console This is most easily

    done using the menu item: Menu: Edit → Clear Console Alternatively, these keyboard commands can be used: PCs: Control-L Mac: Clover-Option-L c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 11 / 50
  12. Where’s My File? Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time

    is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 12 / 50
  13. Where’s My File? Where’s My File? Which directory? > getwd()

    # assign the current dir to a variable name # in case you want to restore it later curd <- getwd() But I wanna be here! > setwd("~/You/Someplace/Else/") c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 13 / 50
  14. Where’s My File? Where’s that file? To see what files

    are in the current directory: > dir() Not to be confused with ls(): > ls() [1] "f.x" "fit0" "fit1" "fit2" "help.911" ... ... which shows R objects that are currently active in memory. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 14 / 50
  15. Where’s My File? Get My Data Now! Large amounts of

    data are best read into R from an external file: bigData <- read.table("~/You/../file.data", header=FALSE) Or, if your data is exported from Excel: csvData <- read.csv("~/You/../file.csv", header=TRUE) c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 15 / 50
  16. Where’s My File? Skip preamble lines It’s very common to

    have some lines of text that precede the actial column headings and data that you wish to analyze in R. To avoid importing those lines, use the skip feature in read(). This is an integer value that specifies the number of lines in the data file to skip before beginning the read operation (e.g., 23). bigData <- read.table("~/../file.data", header=TRUE, skip=23) c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 16 / 50
  17. Where’s My File? Embed your data A potential problem with

    keeping data in separate external files is that you have to ensure that the correct file is accessible when you want it. That means, it has to be near the R script that is going to import the data. And that means you have to have remembered to copy from location to location if you regularly move around from platform to platform (as we consultants often do). As an alternative, if the amount of data is not very big, it may be better to incorporate it directly into your R script using the following trick: localData <- read.table(text="ColA ColB 2 10 4 25 6 32 8 48 10 57", header=TRUE,sep="\t") c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 17 / 50
  18. Writing an external file Outline 1 General Help 2 What

    Time is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 18 / 50
  19. Writing an external file Writing an external file The simplest

    option for writing a dataframe to a file is to use the write.csv() function. If you do nothing else write.csv(localData, "file.data") will produce "","ColA","ColB" "1",2,10 "2",4,25 "3",6,32 "4",8,48 "5",10,57 as the file contents. It has put labels and row numbers in quotes. To turn all that off, which is probably the preferred format, use write.csv(localData, "file.data", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) instead. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 19 / 50
  20. Writing an external file xlsReadWrite for Windows R If you

    are running R under a MS Windows O/S, you may find the CRAN package xlsReadWrite useful making data exchange easier. Other tips and tricks for exchanging data between R and Excel, as well as other Windows applications, can be found on this web page. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 20 / 50
  21. What Does This Function Do? Outline 1 General Help 2

    What Time is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 21 / 50
  22. What Does This Function Do? What Does This Function Do?

    To get help concerning a particular function, type the following in the R Console: > ?function To find out how a particular function does what it does, just type the function name without the the prepended question-mark and without any appended parens: > function c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 22 / 50
  23. What Does This Function Do? If the function is implemented

    in the R language, you will see the source code. > help.911 function () { switch(Sys.info()[["sysname"]], Windows = { ost <- "Windows" cmd <- "open" }, Linux = { ost <- "Linux" cmd <- "gnome-open" }, Darwin = { ost <- "Mac OS X" cmd <- "open" }) t <- try(system(paste(cmd, pdf911file))) if (t != 0) { cat(sprintf("Error in 911.r script on %s system", ost)) } } Otherwise, it will display something like: > mean function (x, ...) UseMethod("mean") <environment: namespace:base> c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 23 / 50
  24. Plot My Data Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time

    is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 24 / 50
  25. Plot My Data Plot My Data If your data frame

    is called “localData” then you can make a simple xy-plot: > plot(localData$ColA, localData$ColB, type="b") Type ?plot at the R Console for more details from the base plot package. To add more data points or lines (or curves) to an existing plot window, use: > attach(mtcars) > plot(wt, mpg) > abline(lm(mpg~wt)) > lines(wt,rep(20,length(wt)),col="red") c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 25 / 50
  26. Plot My Data Array of plots To creat a 2

    by 2 array of plots with a square aspect ratio op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), pty = "s") plot(...) plot(...) plot(...) plot(...) par(op) The purpose of the op variable (“old plot” device format) is to restore the default plotting mode in the graphics window. Otherwise, any new plots will appear in array mode. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 26 / 50
  27. Plot My Data Saving plots Various file formats are available

    using the following R functions: Format Command PDF pdf("Rplot.pdf") PNG png("Rplot.png") JPG jpeg("Rplot.jpg") BMP bmp("Rplot.bmp") PS postscript("Rplot.ps") c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 27 / 50
  28. Plot My Data More plot functions Plot Function Library Example

    Bar plot barplot() base 0 1 2 3 4 5 Box & whisker boxplot() base 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 Pairwise plots pairs() base mpg 100 200 300 400 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 100 200 300 400 disp drat 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 10 15 20 25 30 2 3 4 5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 wt 3D plot scatterplot3d() scatterplot3d 3D Scatterplot 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 100 200 300 400 500 wt disp mpg c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 28 / 50
  29. Plot My Data ggplot2 Another popular plotting package, available on

    CRAN, is ggplot2— An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics. Notice how the default background is gray. See my Keynote presentation. Raw bench data p Xp 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 20 30 40 50 60 Data smoother p Xp 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 20 30 40 50 60 USL fit p Xp 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 20 30 40 50 60 USL fit + CI bands p Xp 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 20 30 40 50 60 c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 29 / 50
  30. Run My Script Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time

    is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 30 / 50
  31. Run My Script Run My Script There are several ways

    to run an R script. 1 Click the R button in the R Console GUI. 2 An explicit source() command at the R Console prompt: > source("myscript.r") 3 An R script can be executed stand alone without the R Console, e.g., from a UNIX shell: % ./myscript.r This requires 2 things: 1 That #!/usr/bin/env Rscript is the first line of myscript.r. 2 That is has execution permission: chmod +x myscript.r This will cause any output to be written to separate files, e.g., myscript.r.Rout 4 Batch mode command, e.g., from a UNIX shell: % R CMD BATCH myscript.r [outfile] The ‘outfile’ file option captures a list of all the commands from the executed script and its output. If no outfile is specified, it defaults to myscript.r.Rout. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 31 / 50
  32. Run My Script Stop My Script! To abort a running

    script in R, use the stop() function. > ost <- "unknown" > if(ost == "unknown") { stop("Unknown value of OST") } Error: Unidentified operating system Notice how stop() also prepends ‘Error’ to the output string. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 32 / 50
  33. Create a Data Frame Outline 1 General Help 2 What

    Time is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 33 / 50
  34. Create a Data Frame Create a Data Frame A data

    frame is the quintessential data object in R. It most commonly arises as a consequence of employing read.table() or read.csv() to import data into the R environment. Data: From the standpoint of data in R, a data frame (as the name implies) is a tabular construct for presenting and accessing data. Language: From a programming standpoint in R, a data frame is like a record or struct data structure in that it can contain data fields of different types. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 34 / 50
  35. Create a Data Frame The simplest way to appreciate these

    twin aspects is to create your own data frame. First, let’s construct some vectors containing different data types: > chars <- c("A","B","C") > ints <- c(1066, 1642, 2001) > reals <- c(pi,exp(1),1/137) > bools <- c(T,T,F) > strings <- c("goodbye","cruel","world") We can check that these vectors contain different data types using str(): > str(reals) num [1:3] 3.1416 2.7183 0.0073 > str(strings) chr [1:3] "goodbye" "cruel" "world" c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 35 / 50
  36. Create a Data Frame These vectors can now be combined,

    as columns, into a formal data frame as follows: > df <- data.frame(chars,ints,reals,bools,strings) > df chars ints reals bools strings 1 A 1066 3.14159265 TRUE goodbye 2 B 1642 2.71828183 TRUE cruel 3 C 2001 0.00729927 FALSE world Amongst its many uses, a data frame can provide a nice way of organizing your results in a tabular format. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 36 / 50
  37. Create a Data Frame Use library or require? Which is

    correct: library(pdq) or require(pdq)? In practice, there is not much functional difference. If the package does not exist: library: Throws an error and stops. require: Returns false and keeps going. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 37 / 50
  38. Create a Data Frame Assignment Operators There are 3 types

    of assignment operator in R: 1 <- 2 = 3 «- The left-arrow construction <- is the most ubiquitous and can be used under any circumstances, The other assignment operator is = and is most commonly used in pre-defined functions for assigning a value to an argument in that function, e.g., plot(x, type = "p", main = "My Plot") Historically, the left-arrow notation derives from the existence of a single key ← on AT&T computers and APL keyboards when the S language was defined. Since no such character is available in ASCII, it has to be typed as 2 characters. Hence, x <- 2 should be read as: “x gets two” in R parlance. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 38 / 50
  39. Create a Data Frame Quick keys for ← The argument

    that it is easier to type to the single key = instead of <- carries less weight if the following function-key combinations can be used: MacOS X: Type the key combination: Option and – Linux: Type the key combination: Alt and – Windows: None, but Alt and – works under RStudio. (see Section ??) You can also do an assignment as 2 -> X but this is not advisable for either safe programming or code readability. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 39 / 50
  40. Create a Data Frame Double Arrow Essentially «- is used

    to update a global variable from within a local scope, such as a function. > s <- 19 > t <- "foo" > funny <- function(){ s <- 111; t <<- "bar"; } > funny() > c(s,t) [1] "19" "bar" Notice that the variable t got updated, whereas variable s did not. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 40 / 50
  41. Create a Data Frame Does x++ Exist in R? Short

    answer: No! But you can get close by using the operators package on CRAN. > require(operators) > (x <- 20) [1] 20 > (x %+=% 1) [1] 21 which is identical to x += 1 in C syntax and gives the same result as x++. More generally: > (x %+=% 10) [1] 31 If you examine the accompanying Reference manual, you’ll see a very broad class of operators that use this same syntax. Remark (Caution) The above operators should not be confused with the similar syntax used for modulus and integer division, which are part of the R base. > 5%%2 # mod [1] 1 > 5%/%2 # div [1] 2 c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 41 / 50
  42. Create a Data Frame Does a ? b : c

    Exist in R? The C language has the useful ternary operator which can be used in a statement like: y = x == 1 ? 2 : 3; so that if x is TRUE (1) then y = 2, otherwise y = 3. The R syntax for ternary operation uses the ifelse() function: > x <- FALSE > y <- ifelse(x == TRUE, 2, 3) > y [1] 3 c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 42 / 50
  43. Create a Data Frame String variables Like Perl, a string-valued

    variable (or object) is defined by characters within double quotes. > s <- "This is a string of characters" > is.character(s) [1] TRUE > str(s) chr "This is a string of characters" > length(s) [1] 1 > nchar(s) # Count characters [1] 30 There is no limit to the size of a string; any amount of characters, symbols, or words can make up your strings. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 43 / 50
  44. Create a Data Frame String split The function strsplit in

    R acts like split in Perl. > strsplit(s," ") [[1]] [1] "This" "is" "a" "string" "of" "characters" > ss<-strsplit(s," ") > is.character(ss) [1] FALSE > str(ss) # it’s a list object List of 1 $ : chr [1:6] "This" "is" "a" "string" ... > length(ss) [1] 1 > ssu<-unlist(ss) > ssu [1] "This" "is" "a" "string" "of" "characters" > is.character(ssu) [1] TRUE > str(ssu) # it’s a string object again chr [1:6] "This" "is" "a" "string" "of" "characters" > length(ssu) # Count words [1] 6 c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 44 / 50
  45. Create a Data Frame Installing more packages To install a

    new R package called “Pkg” as an R Console command: > install.packages("Pkg") Note the use of quotes in the argument. I prefer to use the GUI Package manager and Package installer invoked from the R menu bar. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 45 / 50
  46. Package dependencies Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time is

    It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 46 / 50
  47. Package dependencies Package dependencies How do I distinguish function foo

    when it appears with the same name in two different R packages? Use path dependent calls, which uses the same syntax as Perl: pkgA::foo() pkgB::foo() It’s also a good idea to use explicit package names when employing PDQ: library(pdq) pdq::CreateNode() pdq::SetDemand() c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 47 / 50
  48. IDEs for R Outline 1 General Help 2 What Time

    is It? 3 Clear the Console 4 Where’s My File? 5 Writing an external file 6 What Does This Function Do? 7 Plot My Data 8 Run My Script 9 Create a Data Frame 10 Package dependencies 11 IDEs for R c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 48 / 50
  49. IDEs for R IDEs for R There are a number

    of so-called integrated development environments for R. Some examples include: RStudio FOSS Revolution commercial Tinn-R FOSS Rattle FOSS R-PLUS commercial A number of commercial statistical software packages, e.g., IBMS SPSS, SAS and JMP, also provide integration with R. c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 49 / 50
  50. IDEs for R Performance Dynamics Company Castro Valley, California www.perfdynamics.com

    perfdynamics.blogspot.com twitter.com/DrQz Facebook [email protected] OFF: +1-510-537-5758 c 2013 Performance Dynamics Quick Tour of R March 26, 2013 50 / 50