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Going Mobile as a Community: A Case Study from Stanford

Morgan Miller
October 25, 2013

Going Mobile as a Community: A Case Study from Stanford

Presented at the 2013 Bay Area Drupal Camp Mobile Summit.

How does a small team support a large, diverse community with efficient, affordable website solutions? How do we enable a whole community to "go mobile?" In this case study, I share how Stanford Web Services has approached designing centralized tools and resources to help the Stanford community go mobile.

Morgan Miller

October 25, 2013

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  1. GOING MOBILE AS A COMMUNITY A Case Study from Stanford

    OCTOBER 25, 2013 • BADCAMP Megan Erin Miller Web Designer, Stanford Web Services [email protected] • @meganerinmiller
  2. The Stanford Community §  Thousands of websites §  Every level

    of experience §  Small units with no web person §  Large units with whole web teams OUR CHALLENGE
  3. A challenging task §  How do you support a community

    this large? §  How do you provide efficient, affordable centralized website solutions? OUR CHALLENGE
  4. §  Founded in 2011 §  Small centralized team §  We

    design and build Drupal websites §  We also maintain central web services OUR CHALLENGE Stanford Web Services http://webservices.stanford.edu
  5. Make it easy to… §  make a website… §  make

    an accessible, secure, stable website §  make a more harmonious Stanford web presence §  go mobile responsive OUR CHALLENGE
  6. Raising awareness of mobile §  Mobile Awareness Project §  jQuery

    Mobile templates §  Example sites as proof of concept OUR CHALLENGE
  7. But how do we scale? §  Tools for the whole

    community §  A small team OUR CHALLENGE
  8. Solve for the 80% §  Solutions that meet most common

    needs §  Actively engage with community and listen OUR STRATEGY
  9. Ease the barrier to entry §  Simpler user experience § 

    Enable fast site creation §  Hide but don’t disable advanced functionality OUR STRATEGY
  10. Standards allow for better support §  Standardized platform & environment

    §  Curated modules and themes §  Better central documentation OUR STRATEGY
  11. Stanford Sites http://sites.stanford.edu §  Drupal hosting platform §  Curated modules

    §  Centralized themes §  Supported environment §  Easy site request process OUR SOLUTION
  12. Going responsive §  Sophisticated responsive regions (following a set responsive

    pattern) §  Standardized responsive menu OUR SOLUTION
  13. Responsive regions §  Blocks & regions approach §  “Flow” and

    “Stacked” regions §  Utilize Block Class module OUR SOLUTION
  14. Site builder as end user §  Always have implementation in

    mind §  Responsive is not just about theme, it’s how we build and how we create content §  Cleaner, more scalable solutions IN CONCLUSION
  15. Standards let us scale §  Central platform & environment § 

    Central themes §  Central modules and features §  Standardized responsive patterns §  Central documentation & resources §  Fostering a community of practice IN CONCLUSION
  16. Mobile is not just about themes and templates §  It’s

    about changing perceptions §  Educating a community §  Integrated solutions IN CONCLUSION