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SimulinkとMATLABをつなぐ魔法の言葉 / Magical word to submit MATLAB to Simulink

SimulinkとMATLABをつなぐ魔法の言葉 / Magical word to submit MATLAB to Simulink


October 01, 2020

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  5. 22 割り込み関数 displayChara BLE Notify (Aボタンで文字”A”、 Cボタンで文字”C” 送信) ・BLE Readし

    文字”A”なら a++; 文字”C”なら c++; ・Simulink APIで GainA に 定数aセット、GainC に 定数cセット Simulink API BLE Write b = ble("m5-stack"); ch = characteristic(b, …); subscribe(ch); ch.DataAvailableFcn = @displayChara; global a; global c; おまけ