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Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, an...

Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster - JavaLand 2021

Mobile development offers a lot of options. To develop native apps, you can use Java or Kotlin on Android. On iOS, you can use Objective C or Swift. There are other options, too. You can build hybrid mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Hybrid mobile apps are those created with web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) that look like native apps. PWAs have the ability to work offline and act like mobile apps.

In this talk, we'll explore a few different mobile technologies: PWAs, React Native, and Ionic (with Angular). You'll walk away with knowledge of how to build mobile + Spring Boot apps in minutes with JHipster.

* GitHub repo: https://github.com/mraible/mobile-jhipster
* Demo script: https://github.com/mraible/mobile-jhipster/.../demo.adoc

Matt Raible

March 17, 2021

More Decks by Matt Raible

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  1. Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster Matt Raible

    | @mraible Photo by Rami Al-zayat unsplash.com/photos/w33-zg-dNL4 March 17, 2021
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  3. How to Use JHipster Install JHipster and Yeoman, using npm:

    npm install -g generator-jhipster Create a directory and cd into it: mkdir newapp && cd newapp Run it! jhipster
  4. @mraible Hi, I’m Matt Raible Father, Husband, Skier, Mountain Biker,

    Whitewater Rafter Bus Lover Web Developer and Java Champion Okta Developer Advocate Blogger on raibledesigns.com and developer.okta.com/blog @mraible
  5. Agenda 1. Introduction to Reactive JHipster 2. Ionic for JHipster

    3. JHipster React Native 4. Flutter for JHipster 5. JHipster Roadmap 6. Action!
  6. A resilient microservice architecture with cloud native principles in mind

    JHipster Goals A sleek, modern, mobile-first UI with Angular, React, or Vue + Bootstrap for CSS A high-performance and robust server-side stack with excellent test coverage A powerful workflow to build your application with Webpack and Maven or Gradle
  7. How to Use JHipster Install JHipster and Yeoman, using npm:

    npm install -g generator-jhipster Create a directory and cd into it: take newapp Run it! jhipster
  8. Progressive Web Apps Originate from a secure origin, load while

    offline, and reference a web app manifest.
  9. Progressive Web Apps Can be installed on your mobile device,

    look and act like a native application, but are distributed through the web.
  10. Enable PWA in JHipster <script> if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {

    window.addEventListener('load', function() { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js') .then(function () { console.log('Service Worker Registered'); }); }); } </script> src/main/webapp/index.html
  11. Demo Using JHipster, create an app Generate entities in app

    Convert app to be a PWA Test with Lighthouse
  12. Part 2 Ionic for JHipster What is Ionic? Why? Ionic

    Module for JHipster JWT and OIDC Support Entity Generator
  13. Ionic Ionic Framework Develop Hybrid & PWA Apps https://ionicframework.com Stencil

    Vanilla Web Components https://stenciljs.com PWA Toolkit Lightning fast PWAs https://github.com/ionic- team/ionic-pwa-toolkit
  14. Why? The first version of 21-Points Health I wrote with

    JHipster 2.x was painful to use on a mobile device. Versions 4.x and 5.x are better, but still not great. I want to develop the best user experience. Native apps are painful to distribute, but work better than PWAs (on iOS).
  15. Run it! yo jhipster-ionic Ionic Module for JHipster Because Ionic

    Apps need some JHipster 💙 too! https://github.com/oktadeveloper/generator-jhipster-ionic Install Ionic and the Ionic Module for JHipster, using npm: npm i -g @ionic/cli generator-jhipster-ionic yo Profit! 🤑
  16. Part 3 JHipster React Native What is React Native? JHipster

    React Native blueprint Expo, React Native Web, and Detox JWT and OIDC Support Entity Generator
  17. Create an app: jhipster --blueprints react-native JHipster React Native https://github.com/ruddell/generator-jhipster-react-native

    Install the React Native blueprint, using npm: npm install -g generator-jhipster-react-native Build the next hot mobile app! 🔥 A React Native blueprint for JHipster apps
  18. Demo Create an app w/ React Native Generate entities in

    app Run in a browser Run on iOS and Android
  19. Part 4 Flutter for JHipster What is Flutter? Flutter Module

    for JHipster Full I18n support Entity Generator JWT Auth Only
  20. Create an app: yo jhipster-flutter-merlin Flutter Module for JHipster https://github.com/merlinofcha0s/generator-jhipster-flutter

    Install the Flutter module, using npm: npm install -g generator-jhipster-flutter-merlin Build a beautiful mobile app! 💖 Generate your Flutter mobile App (Android / iOS) for JHipster
  21. What’s Next for JHipster? < rest up, fix bugs >

    JHipster 7 GA! GraphQL and Micro Frontends
  22. Part 6 Action Try JHipster! Learn More about PWAs Try

    Ionic for JHipster Try JHipster React Native Report Issues 🙏