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The K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Workhop: Intro t...

The K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Workhop: Intro to the K2 Mission

We had a pre-proposal workshop to prepare interested scientist for the K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Experiment. I gave the first talk

Tom Barclay

May 07, 2015

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  1. What is K2? • K2 is a two-reaction wheel controlled

    mission utilizing the Kepler spacecraft • We observe 100 sq. deg. fields toward the ecliptic plane • Each field is observed for around 80 days continuously • There is no “K2 Mission Goal”, we support community science investigations
  2. Observing with K2 • C0 - C2 at the MAST

    • C3 & C4 being processed • C5 being observed right now • C6 & C7 proposals reviewed • C8, C9 & C10 proposals due • C11 - C13 fields not yet set
  3. The (GO) Story So Far Campaign Proposals Received Targets Observed

    Funding 0 124 7744 - 1 76 21635 - 2 116 13399 - 3 16370 - 4 93 15847 $1.0M 5 25099 6 76 - $1.0M 7 -
  4. Campaign 9 The Microlensing Science Experiment Timeline 1. Feb 2015:

    Call for proposals released 2. June 2, 2015: Mandatory Step-1 proposals due 3. July 1, 2015: Step-2 proposals due 4. Sep 2015: Proposals Reviewed 5. Oct 2015: Selections made and funding available 6. Fall 2015: First K2 Microlensing Science Team Meeting 7. Jan/Feb 2016: Final pixel recommendations due from Science Team 8. April 2016: Observations start 9. July 2016: Observations stop 10.Fall 2016: Data from K2 Campaign 9 publicly available
  5. Data Products • An EPIC catalog for C9 is already

    online at the MAST • K2 will be available from the MAST • Target Pixel Files only - these are image files • no photometry • Spacecraft housekeeping and engineering data • Any full-frame images we take (do you want any??) • Background pixels (we probably won’t take these) • Artifact Remove Pixels (we can probably drop these too) • Masked and virtual smear and trailing black (you probably do want these) • Ancillary Engineering Data (pointing from FGS, temperature sensors, etc.)
  6. NASA Research Announcement for K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 3

    “The intention is to form a cohesive team that can work to represent and serve the best interests of the microlensing scientific community”
  7. C9 Proposals • We will form a team of approximately

    five to ten members, who will coordinate with the K2 project regarding the observational planning of Campaign 9. The intention is to form a cohesive team that can work to represent and serve the best interests of the microlensing scientific community. • Proposals will address one or more specific areas of work relevant to the exploitation of K2 microlensing experiment data. • All data, products, analyses, and results obtained by Team members are nonproprietary. Data shall be suitably reduced, analyzed, and documented, and will be required to be delivered to a public archive • Priority for selection will be determined by programmatic relevance, technical merit and cost reasonableness, and the value these efforts have to the wider scientific community.
  8. Proposal subjects • Investigations must involve research activities that relate

    to the detection, characterization, or understanding of gravitational microlensing events observed by K2. • Some possible programs include (but are not limited to): • Facilitating simultaneous ground-based data collection and analyses of those ground based data; • Development and execution of methods that ensure accurate under- sampled crowded field photometry; • Characterization and removal of systematic biases, target selection effects, 
 background contamination, and detection efficiency to inform completeness and reliability estimates of detected events; • Proposals for participation in the Microlensing Science Team by scientists who can provide or facilitate coordinated ground-based observations are strongly encouraged.
  9. The purpose of this workshop is … • Get us

    all talking! • Understand capabilities and expectations • a two way dialog on this • What am I missing? What am I not yet thinking about but really should be? • What do you need from the project? • Develop a timeline