NDAR Study? Purpose - Why is it important? Location – Where are they? Policy Eligibility – Who can create an NDAR Study? Permissions – Who can access an NDAR Study? Schedule – When would an NDAR Study be created? Requirement – Who has to create an NDAR Study? Fundamentals Relationship to Publications and Data Instructions NDAR Components
to record basic information about the cohort, measures, study types, analysis and results of a study. Linked to data contained in NDAR Linked to a publication Purpose allow others to understand the analysis in order to: replicate results understand the data analysis methods Location NDAR public website under the Data from Papers tab
Make published data easily available for re-use and analysis Allow for research and analysis opportunities for junior researchers Promote healthy discussion to improve science and advance discovery
an NDAR account can create an NDAR Study Results – published or not – can be promoted Note: underlying data must be shared in NDAR/federated repository Permissions No policy documents required for permission to create an NDAR Study Since accessing data contained in NDAR or federated repositories, the owner is still bound by other policy documents: Linking to own data → Data Submission Agreement Linking to data collected by others → Data Use Certification
Study when the publication is ‘In Press’ NDAR staff can pull out the information needed from the paper Share the NDAR Study at the time of publication Requirement Researchers are not currently required to create an NDAR Study Highly encouraged States Private Ability to grant access to others Shared
a subset of data from the Collection used in an analysis Published Paper #2 Based on data in an NDAR Study NDAR Study #1 Contains a subset of data from the Collection used in an analysis Published Paper #1 Based on data in an NDAR Study NDAR Collection Contains all data for a grant • Phenotypic Data • Neuroimaging • Genomic If submit data to NDAR: Create a Collection → Submit all research data Analyze Publish Report results in NDAR Study → Link to publications
a subset of data from the Collection used in an analysis Published Paper #1 Based on data in an NDAR Study NDAR Collection 1 • Phenotypic Data • Neuroimaging NDAR Collection 2 • Phenotypic Data • Neuroimaging • Genomic If Access data in NDAR: Query > 1 Collections/Repositories 8→ Retrieve Results Compute/Process → Load and Analyze Publish Report results in NDAR Study → Link to publications
an NDAR Study by associating subject GUIDs when creating the NDAR Study. Option to narrow down the measures (data structures) and even the measure related data elements used in the analysis
Options for the study description, study arms/ comparison groups and intervention type are customized depending on whether the type is controlled or observational.
and work with community to extend Example: NDAR data dictionary started with ~20 measures and has been extended over the past 5 years by NDAR and the community All components have been pre-populated yet allow for new options to be added Encourage community to notify us about new methods and options for analysis, tools, etc to keep the NDAR Study feature up to date
NDAR Study while still maintaining some or all of the underlying data in a private state. Ability to query the NDAR Study Ability to query by Data Element Registration and linkage of publications using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
be an expectation for all published papers? Should this be added to the terms and conditions of award? Should this and other data submission activities be part of the grant application review process? Schedule Issues Is the schedule for creation of and sharing of an NDAR Study acceptable? Technical Issues Areas for Improvement How can we make it easier to use Provide a template Methods to increase awareness and adoption of use
and adoption of use Work with publishers to require NDAR Study and link in publication Open up NDAR Study to journal reviewers to review a paper and underlying data prior to acceptance Create a culture shift Data sharing Transparency Collaboration Replication of results