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How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Inst...

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Institutional Repositories

Lisa Rabey

May 09, 2013

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  1.      How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love

    Institutional Repositories Lisa M. Rabey / Grand Rapids Community College / http://bit.ly/iloveir
  2. About  GRCC   •  Founded  in  1914   •  Main

     campus  is  in  downtown  Grand  Rapids,   two  distance  campuses,  plus  two  learning   centers  in  the  city   •  10,000  FTE;  32,000  total  students  yearly   •  About  300  FT  faculty,  600  adjuncts  (and   growing)   •  In  addiKon,  there  almost  a  dozen  colleges  in   the  metro  area  
  3. They want digital asset management No one group would manage

    or own it Closed system Stakeholders added as needed Off site, cloud based storage system Potential academic contents Update: College now wants an IR of its own College needs:
  4. Open access Large variety of content Digital exhibition Library would

    manage the IR Discoverability Off site, hosted solution Budget friendly Library needs:
  5. Equipment has been purchased and installed Extraneous software purchased, installed

    Workflow outline set until summer 2014 Where are we? What’s left? Branding Training on software for staff Physical scanning of phase I collection Marketing and outreach Identify next collections to begin phase II
  6. §  To centrally organize, distribute, and manage institutional content To

    have the content centrally indexed and searchable Preserve the content Showcase institutions prestige Showcase institution output and creativity Join the open access revolution Allows content created to be published without encumbrances of licensing fees and / or potential copyright issues For publicly funded institutions, it enriches the institutions standing within the local community Ssupplies direct access to the community of its investment Why do you need an IR:
  7. Things to consider   •  Determining resources –  Funding  

    –  The  scope  of  the  repository •  Determining content –  What  type  of  content  will  be  included?     –  What  kind  of  formats  (text  only?  Image?  Audio?   Video?)     –  What  is  the  purpose  of  the  repository:  Archival?     MarkeKng?  Permanent?  Historical?     –  Whose  contribuKng  to  the  repository  (staff,  faculty,   and/or  students)?     –  Will  on  campus  events  be  included  (lectures,   conferences,  etc)?     –  Will  only  a  few  departments  parKcipate  or  all  of  the   campus?     –  Current  material  going  forward  or  also  historical  data   as  well?   –  DocumenKng  academic  life?   –  DocumenKng  the  insKtuKonal  culture?   •  Tools   –  Who  is  managing  the  repository?       –   Is  someone  going  to  be  doing  this  full  Kme  or  part   Kme?     –  Whose  going  to  handle  support  and  training?   –  Hardware/SoZware   •  Upgrades   •  Maintenance   •  Scalability   •  Reoccurring  costs   •  Hosted  vs  self-­‐host?   •  Commercial  vs  Open  Source     •  Policy  /  Copyrights   –  Legal  aspects   –  Whose  handling  these  things  now  and  in  the  future?   –  Copyright  documentaKon    /  management   –  How  to  measure  success   •  ROI   •  TCO   –  Concerns   •  Who  has  control  over  the  IR   •  CreaKng  a  IR  or  a  community?   –  DistribuKon  opportuniKes   •  Access   –  Sustainability   –  Access  levels  (Open  /  Closed)   –  Discovery  vs  Discoverability   •  Quality  Reviews  /  PreservaKon   –  Standards   –  PreservaKon  consideraKons  (Master  images)   –  PreservaKon  formats   –  At  risk  content   –  Obsolescence     •  Training   •  Backup  and  failovers   –  Hardware  /  soZware  failure   –  Funding  cut   –  Personnel  changes   –  Change  in  polices   •  CreaKng  a  best  pracKces