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Implementing renewal/new products into ERM

Implementing renewal/new products into ERM

Lisa Rabey

April 17, 2015

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  1. eResources  Implementa0on  /   Renewal  Project     Lisa  Rabey

      h:ps://lisa.rabey.net   For  CUNY:  Staten  Island   April  17,  2015  
  2. eResources  for  Considera0on   •  Affilia  –  Peer  reviewed  and

     scholarly  social  work   journal  from  a  feminist  point  of  view   –  (Currently  available  via  CUNY  holdings)     •  eMarketer  –  Covers  digital  marke0ng,  media,  and   commerce  by  collec0ng  thousands  of  sources  and   puTng  them  into  context   –  (Currently  available  via  CUNY  holdings)   •  Films  on  Demand  –  Streaming  videos  on   academic,  voca0onal,  and  life-­‐skills  topics.   –  (Not  available  via  CUNY  holdings)  
  3. ERM  Workflow   No0fica0on  of   Product  (New  or  

    Renewal)   Renewal   Product  review   Impending   expira0on   Product   deaccession  or   new  provider   Not  Renewing   Receive  feedback   from   stakeholders   Determine   reasons  for  not   renewing   Write  up  “no”   response   No0fy  vendor     Renewing   New  Product   Obtain  Trial   Nego0ate  trial   license   Nego0ate  trial   length   Technical   feasibility   Nego0ate   copyright   Supply  vendor   with  IP  blocks   Add  resource  to   ERM/Catalog   No0fy   stakeholders  /   liaisons   Workflows  are  flexible  and     dependent  on  the  organiza0on.  
  4. Step  One  :  Implementa0on   •  Consider  the  type  of

     product  being  offered  from  the   vendor  and  cross  reference  similar/  exis0ng  items  in   the  CUNY  system   •  Determine  products  offerings  (are  they  similar  holdings   available  and  if  yes,  how  can  this  item  supplement   exis0ng  holdings;  if  no,  how  can  this  holding  enhance   the  collec0on)   •  Also  consider  if  the  product  is  available  by  more  than   one  provider?  Part  of  a  bundled  package?  Can  be  part   of  a  bundled  package,  and  includes  what  other  0tles?   Benchmarks  of  exis0ng  similar  0tles/databases?  
  5. Step  Two:  Implementa0on   Parallel  Process   •  If  deciding

     to  go  forward   with  the  eResource,  obtain   a  trials   •  No0fy  stakeholders  of  the   trial  and  for  how  long;   request  that  stakeholders   no0fy  appropriate   departments   •  Nego0ate  trial  license   •  Nego0ate  trial  length   •  Discuss  copyright     •  Discuss  technical  feasibility   i.e.  will  integrate  with  ERM     •  Supply  vendor  with  IP   alloca0on  block   •  Add  eResource  to  catalog   and  ERM  during  public  trial    
  6. Step  Three:  Implementa0on   No  –  Not  obtaining  product  

      •  Receive  feedback  from   stakeholders  and   departments   •  Write  up  “no”  decision  for   reasons  for  not  obtaining   the  product   •  Inform  the  vendor  of   decision   •  Start  deaccession  process   Yes  –  Obtaining  product   •  Receive  feedback  from   stakeholders  and  departments   •  Consider  business  issues  such   as    price,  embargo,  copyright,   reliability,  archiving,  technical   feasance,  perpetual  access   •  Write  up  “yes”  decision  for   obtaining  product   •  Inform  vendor  of  the  decision  
  7. Step  Five:  Implementa0on   •  Start  non-­‐trial  acquisi0on  process  

    – Contact  catalogers  for  full  implementa0on  into   the  catalog   •  Plan  technical  implementa0on   – Receive  ac0va0on  info  from  vendor   – Ac0vate  install  product   – Customize  interface   – Fully  integrate  into  ERM   – Update  flat  file    
  8. Step  Six:  Implementa0on   •  Create  PR  and  instruc0on  guides

     for  new  product   –  Disseminate  to  library  websites,  social  media   –  Create  signage  in  library,  fliers   –  Instruc0on  guides  for  stakeholders  and  departments   –  Update  flat  files   •  Review  monthly  data  stats    and  vendor   benchmarks   •  Yearly  product  maintenance    
  9. Step  One:  Renewal   •  Product  review   •  Check

     for  impending  expira0on   •  Check  for  product  deaccession  from  provider   or  moving  to  a  new  provider  
  10. Step  Two:  Renewal   No  –  Not  renewing    

    •  Receive  feedback  from   stakeholders  and  affiliated   departments   •  Determine  reason  for  not   renewing,  including  product   expira0on,  provider  removal,   cost,  or  poor  data  stats   •  Write  up  “no,  not  renewing”   process     •  Inform  vendor  not  renewing   •  Start  deaccession  process   Yes  –  Are  renewing   •  Receive  feedback  from   stakeholders  and  affiliated   departments   •  Discuss  business  issues  such   as    price,  embargo,   copyright,  reliability,   archiving,  technical   feasance,  perpetual  access   •  Nego0ate  license  and   subscrip0on  informa0on  as   needed  
  11. Measuring  Success   •  Tracking  usage  stats   – Success  is

     more  than  clicks  per  journal;  can  also  be   specialty  item   – Update  chief  librarian  and  stakeholders  of  usage   •  Tracking  vendor  feasibility  (technical  issues,   costs,  implementa0on)   •  Tracking  licenses   •  Tracking  renewals    
  12. Things  to  Consider   •  “Stakeholders  and  affiliated  departments”  

    refers  to  librarians,  faculty,  and  anyone  with  a   vested  interest  in  the  products   •  “Technical  feasance”  can  refer  to  the   following  such  as  capture  of  usage  sta0s0cs,   troubleshoo0ng  and  resolving  problems,   rou0ne  product  changes  from  the  vendor,   revisions  to  public  documenta0on  
  13. Things  to  Consider   •   Many  of  the  recommenda0ons  such

     as   “Implement  into  ERM,  no0fy  catalogers,   update  flat  files”  can  occur  at  various  points  in   the  process   •  Technical  implementa0on  may  have  already   occurred  during  the  trial  process  depending   on  vendor  interface  and  trial  set-­‐up