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The Silver Age of Comics in Libraries: Programm...

The Silver Age of Comics in Libraries: Programming, Best Practices, And More

Lisa Rabey

July 01, 2014

More Decks by Lisa Rabey

Other Decks in Education


  1. The Silver Age of Comics in Libraries: Programming, Best Practices,

    And More Presented  by  Lisa  Rabey  /  Kris1n  LaLonde  /  Andrew  McBride   h9p://bit.ly/silverageofcomics  
  2. Why  comics  in  libraries?   •  Collec2ng  comics  is  expensive,

     the  library  is  free   •  Improves  literacy   •  Popularity  -­‐  From  2001-­‐2006,  graphic  novels  grew   from  a  $75  million  to  $330  million  industry.   –  Graphic  Novels  up  38%  this  year   •  Unique  perspec2ve  on  pop  culture  and  life   •  Can  be  a  gateway  to  learning  new  or  introducing   difficult  topics   •  Different  types  of  libraries  have  different  types  of   collec2ons  
  3. Outreach  and  Programming   •  Outreach  to  student  groups  such

     as  the  Anime   Student  Group  and  Gamers  Student  Group   •  Social  Media   – Blog,  Facebook,  Twi\er,  Pinterest,  Tumblr,  etc   •  Collabora2on  with  local  library  system  /  LCS   for  Free  Comic  Book  Day  and  other  events   •  Volunteer  at  up  and  coming  local  conven2ons   •  Present  at  non-­‐librarian  conferences  
  4. Chippewa  River   District  Library   Mt  Pleasant,  MI  

                Kris2n  LaLonde   Access  Services  Librarian  
  5. 2012   ABOUT  MY  LIBRARY  &  COMMUNITY   •  Small

     town  &  Rural  Area  ~  30,000  permanent  residents   •  Central  Michigan  University   •  Rural  Townships:  Winn,  Blanchard,  Shepherd  &  Rosebush   Total  Ac2ve   Users:    6700     Total  Number  of   Checkouts:   254,495     Yearly  Visitors:   272,023     Total  Ac2ve  Users:    6700     Total  Number  of  Checkouts:  254,495     Yearly  Visitors:  272,023    
  6. BY  THE  NUMBERS:     Holding:  3,100  graphic  novels  

      Circulate:  2,100  a  year     ~  100  GNs  per  month  via  MeL     ~  20  GNs  per  month  via  WorldCat  
  7. Free  Comic  Book  Day     •  Libraries  work  with

     vendors  &  comic  book   stores     •  Distribute  free  comics  that  correspond  to  the   collec2ons     •  Workshops,  demonstra2ons,  ar2st’s  alley,   displays,  etc   Some  Libraries  are  concerned  about  working  with  Comics  Shops  &  vice  versa…   BUT  DON’T  BE!  
  8. Non-­‐Profit  Organiza2on  started  by  ar2st   Jerzy  Drozd;  Ann  Arbor,

     Librarian  Edith   Burney;  Chelsea,  Writer  Dan  Mishkin;   East  Lansing  and  Dan  Merri\,  owner  of   Green  Brain  Comics;  Dearborn.     •  Ann  Arbor  District  Library     •  Chelsea  District  Library   Kids  Read  Comics  Con     •  Takes  place  at  Ann  Arbor  District  Library   •  2000  par2cipants   •  Ar2sts  Alley  with  63  ar2sts  from  across  North  America     •  50  Different  workshops,  panels  &  interac2ve  events   •  Focused  on  crea2on  of  comic  books,  anima2on  &  development  
  9. Jerzy  Drozd,  Graphic  Novel  Academy   In  addi2on  to  

    Superhero  programs,   bring  in  ar2sts  &  writers   to  teach  kids  how  to   develop  their  own   narra2ves.     Shin  from  consuming  to   crea2ng.     It  will  show  that  comics   can  be  about  anything   and  can  be  created  by   anyone     Opens  their  eyes  to   different  genres.  
  10. Arab  American  Na2onal  Museum   •  Museum  Mission  and  Facts

      – Only  museum  of  its  kind  in  the  world   – Documents  and  presents  Arab  American  life   •  Library  and  Resource  Center   – Largest  collec2on  of  its  kind   – Arab  American  Book  Award  
  11. Graphic  Novels  at  the  AANM   •  Comic  books  in

     a  museum?  Why?   •  Audience:  Youth,  Staff  Members,  and  More!     •  Collabora2ons:  Green  Brain  Comics   •  Events:  Geoff  Johns  Extravaganza    
  12. Best  Prac2ces   •  You  can  do  a  lot  with

     a  li\le   •  Network  and  cul2vate  professional   rela2onships   •  Collaborate  with  local  business  and   ins2tu2ons   •  Outreach  to  local  interest  groups   •  A\end  non-­‐librarian  conferences  
  13. Best  Prac2ces   •  Volunteer  at  comic  and  pop  culture

      conven2ons   •  Plan  and  execute  workshops   •  Create  your  own  comic  con   •  Graphic  novel  book  clubs   •  Be  crea2ve  in  collec2on  development   strategies